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Walkersville Day returns after 2-year hiatus

(4/24) After a two-year forced hiatus due to the pandemic, Walkersville Day, a community wide festival returns this month. Although not directly sponsored by the town government or any one organization, the event, scheduled for May 21st, offers numerous opportunities to support local businesses and non-profit organizations.

Walkersville Day has its roots in the 1991 centennial celebration for the town and over the years blossomed into a community-wide festival with yard sales, church bazaars, food, open houses, and fun for the entire family.

With no specifically declared organizers, Walkersville Day is a labor of love hosted by the entire community. Over the years, local churches have taken it upon themselves to hold their own little mini events during the bustle of Walkersville Day, including the hugely popular Saint Paul’s Lutheran Strawberry Festival.

In 2019 the Walkersville Branch Library and members of the Walkersville Business and Professional Association joined together in an attempt to bring a sense of official organization according to Alan Rugh. The initial round of offerings from the effort included a Walkersville Day 5k and a photo scavenger hunt called "Finding Walkersville," which encouraged patrons to explore the town and take pictures of correlating locations. The group also ponders the possibility of expanding the event into a full weekend celebration. But the best laid plans of mice and men were laid to rest by the pandemic.

The Walkersville High School Jazz Band will warm up the weekend with their Jazz Café on May 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Residents can get a jump-start on Saturday events by first dropping by Glade United Church of Christ for their famous breakfast along with their famous sweets table. Once your belly is full, you can browse the yard sale tables that will surround the church grounds.

But save room for Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church’s Strawberry Festival! The church will be serving refreshments to festival attendees. Saint Paul’s will be making its famous strawberry shortcake and goodies will be available from the church’s extraordinary bake table as well as fresh roasted nuts. Yard sales will be plentiful across the church lawn including a plant sale.

In support of Frederick County Public Libraries’ mission of community connection, the Walkersville Branch Library will once again play host to the Walkersville farmer’s market in the morning. Vendors specializing in local fare of all types, including pasture-raised meats, homegrown produce, homemade baked goods, and artisanal crafts such as hand-made jewelry and artwork to frame will fill the parking lot. Additionally, the library will also host its own book sale booth.

The highlight for Walkersville Day at the library will be the performance of the KanKouran West African Dance Company, an African dance and drum troupe. The dance company is dedicated to preserving West African Culture through educational programs and traditional West African dance performances. Everyone is encouraged to bring blankets and chairs to sit out on the lawn for the outdoor performance.

Visit the Walkersville Business and Professional Association’s website at for additional Walkersville Day events.

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