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Mom's Time Out

My favorite time of the year

Mary Angel

(12/2022) I can’t believe it is almost here, my favorite time of the year! As soon as I hear my first Christmas carol, I am hooked and ready. Then I roll into the I can’t wait phase of the holidays. Wait maybe it is already here. Honestly it seems like Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. Even though it is my favorite time of the year, it seems less special when it comes too early. My kids are split down the middle on this idea.

During the pandemic my oldest daughter, 16 at the time, began putting her Christmas tree up in July. Simply put, she needed something to look forward to, something to brighter her days of isolation. We definitely encouraged her as it was apparent her focusing on the holiday was keeping her head above water. When she asked if I would help her get the tree from the basement, I have to admit I was a little shocked and a bit confused. After she set it up and decorated it so beautifully with a ton of lights and enough Christmas balls to sink a Navy ship, I knew she was serious. She started a Christmas Tic Toc channel and began making videos of her decorating, baking, and doing holiday crafts. All of her enthusiasm totally got me in the mood. It was Christmas in July and I loved it. However, starting Christmas in July tends to cause the holiday spirit to fade away by the time Christmas actually rolls around.

After the pandemic she stopped her Christmas-all-year-long spree and we returned to normal, or so I thought. This year my husband planned to have a Christmas fun and decorating day the day after Thanksgiving. We both figured that is when the holiday season would kick into gear for the family. Then I planned a little get away to celebrate all of the birthdays my daughters missed during the pandemic. I surprised them with a trip to Pennsylvania. We stayed near Lititz (an amazing town that I hope to share more about in the future), did a little site seeing and mother daughter bonding, and we started our Christmas shopping. We ended that trip with the "Home for the Holidays" show at The American Music Theater in Lancaster. All bets were off. As soon as we saw the stage all decorate for Christmas all three of us turned to one another and started to laugh. We were immediately in the Christmas spirit.

The show and the carols just added to the atmosphere of Christmas. I wanted to decorate, shop, and drink eggnog (which I don’t even like). When we returned home my husband suggested we spend the weekend going through Christmas decorations and do a purge of the items that haven’t been used in twelve years since we moved into this home. Little did he know that the minute the girls saw the decorations we would be decorating for the holidays. The good news for him is that the kids love all the games and activities he plans for Black Friday. So, although the girls and I were already in the mood for Christmas, the boys would join us on Black Friday. It also made purging old decorations a lot easier because we decorated and then quickly realized everything we would never use.

The day began by putting up the tree and me stringing the lights and then the kids put the ornaments on while I took pictures. This is my favorite part of the whole day, because the kids reminisce with each ornament they pick up. After the tree was decorated, we placed the rest of the decorations around the house, which didn’t take long. I am not sure if the kids were tired from loading the tree with ornaments or lugging the tubs of decorations up from the basement. I just know they finished decorating quicker than Santa can put gifts under the tree and head back up the chimney. After the decorating was finished it was time for the activities.

A little Christmas Themed Jack Box began the festivities. Every answer that we gave had to be Christmas related, and as long as you could tie your answer to something holiday related you could use it. After that we played my favorite, Christmas movie charades (hysterical every time)! Next was the snowflake contest. We each cut a snowflake out of paper, yes, just like you are back in elementary school. Then, we took a picture without names, so the judges couldn’t show favoritism. Some years they vote for the most artistic, sometimes they vote for the most rustic, you never know. After a quick lunch we had a cookie decorating contest, then it was cookie eating time. At this point I could have taken a nap, but there was no time for that. I had to head to my craft room and bring up an obscene amount of craft supplies including some blank cards. At this point we all rolled up our sleeves and decorated Christmas cards for a local charity. Even my least artistic child loved this activity. There were no rules, just decorate and write a little sentiment for someone who needs to know that they are loved, because He first loved us. Once dinner time came, we were all exhausted and in need of some down time before bed.

No matter what tradition we have had for the holidays, I love them all. This new tradition, that started last year, is no different. It is all about the family time and not to sound too cliché the reason for the season. This is the time of year to count your blessings, show love to those who feel unloved and to remember those who are less fortunate than you. To each of you I say Merry Christmas and enjoy your family traditions with your kids, they grow up too fast!

Read other articles by Mary Angel