Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.

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Deadbeat Advertisers

While we hate to do it, the following advertisers are deadbeats - asking
 us to take out ads in the Emmitbsurg News-Journal then never paying
 their bills.  As such, we recommend you steer clear of them

In 11 years, theses are the only business who failed to pay their bills.

Yep - the Verizon store in Taneytown! 
Could you imagine what they would do if you didn't pay your bill!


I can't count the number of times Kawelity Klean told me they were putting a check in the mail ... but surprise surprise, it never showed up.
Stay away from them, they can't be trusted.

Have a business you want listed? 
E-mail us  We'll be glad to include you.