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From the Desk of
County Executive Jan Gardner

(8/2018) Family, Values, and Our Future

Like many of you, I am blessed with a wonderful family. A few weeks ago, my family enjoyed spending some time together and there are four generations of us. As I sat with my parents, my children and my grandson, I began reflecting on how my family has influenced my public life.

My parents are 89 and 90 years old and have been married for 68 years, providing love and stability to our family over multiple generations. They grew up in a time when promises made were promises kept. They worked hard and were dedicated to shape a better life for their children. My work ethic, understanding of right and wrong, and my commitment to a job well done were all learned from my parents.

My husband John and I have been married for 35 years and we have three grown children. Our children and my desire that they have the best educational opportunities played a large part in my choice to run for office and to serve Frederick County.

Now as I hold my beautiful grandson, I think about the future and what the next generations will inherit from us.

These family values are reflected in who I am and what I do as County Executive. I value honesty and fairness, public education, job opportunity, and respecting our seniors. I work hard to live the values of my parents and like most people still want to make my parents proud.

The foundation of it all is honesty and doing what's right for people. That's why adopting the strongest ethics laws in the state and restoring trust in county government was job #1.

I have championed senior causes, because I know what our older generation has sacrificed for the greater good. Our seniors deserve our gratitude and loving care as they grow older. People in our county will soon benefit from a new Senior Services division. The new Senior Services division will incorporate the former Department of Aging and its hard working staff. Services will be organized in a new way with two key focus areas. First, to take advantage of the wisdom and work experience of our active seniors by engaging them in meaningful volunteer work, new interests, education, social activities and even work. The second focus is to take care of our frail seniors and provide the services they need to age in place at home.

We can all be proud, that together, we have made sure that Frederick County will be different and unique in providing assisted living care for the indigent elderly at Montevue. That's why saving Citizens and Montevue was so important.

My children's generation face different challenges than their grandparents. That's why as County Executive, I have worked to ensure the best education for our community's children so they can be prepared for a rapidly changing economy and the jobs of the future. I have worked diligently to provide local jobs and opportunity for upward mobility in the job market. We are fortunate to have a thriving economy and to have added 6,500 net new jobs over the past few years so more people can both live and work here.

Together, we have done something unique by co-locating Workforce Services and Frederick Community College Advance Technology and Training Center at the Monroe Avenue campus to connect people with job training and education for jobs that exist in our community. We have advanced innovation and technology at ROOT to turn big ideas into new businesses and more jobs.

To ensure a bright future for many generations to come, I initiated Livable Frederick. Citizens have come together to develop a vision and a framework for the future that ensures our high quality of life while protecting our rich history and the things we value about this place we call home. Livable Frederick is all about securing a prosperous future for my grandson's generation and beyond.

Everyone wants a Livable Frederick! If we truly want to manage growth and do better than we have in the past and make sure needed schools, roads and public safety, are in place, then we need to implement Livable Frederick. I firmly believe citizens should shape our future rather than allowing developers to decide the future for us.

As County Executive my goal is to make sure Frederick County remains the best place to live, work and raise a family in the county. Livable Frederick is all about delivering outstanding schools, safe communities, a vibrant economy, a transportation network that works, while we protect what we love and value about Frederick County like our rich history, agricultural heritage and cultural amenities.

Let’s make it happen for your family and for mine.

As always, I would love to hear from you. You can send an email at or by calling 301-600-3190.

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