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From the Desk of
County Councilman Renee Knapp

(3/2023) Last month I had the opportunity to attend the first Frederick County Forestry Forum. Representatives from industry, government, and the non-profit sectors spent the day listening, learning, and most importantly, having conversations about responsible forest management in Frederick County. In Maryland, 72% of forest land is privately owned, so it’s important for county government to foster good communication between all these stakeholders. Everyone from conservationists to those in the timber industry agreed that we are all invested in healthy and well managed forests.

Those who attended listened to several panel discussions over the course of the day. One discussion addressed forest markets in or near Frederick County. These markets include lumber, furniture, and using renewable wood energy to heat homes. Another idea expressed was the possibility of finding ways to use lumber produced in Frederick County to be used to build homes in the county. When wood is not transported to a sawmill in another state, carbon emissions are lowered, and our local timber industry is supported. Concerns about regulatory barriers to timber industry growth were also discussed. Periodic evaluation of logging regulations is good for the timber industry and for good overall forest management.

Another panel discussion centered around forest conservation initiatives. Through successful agricultural preservation programs, Frederick County has preserved over 70,000 acres of farmland. Since a significant amount of farmland includes some forest, this contributes to county forest conservation. Sustainability initiatives like tree planting and controlling storm water runoff improve the health of county forests, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay. We finished the afternoon with a discussion of planning and permitting with county and state presentations. If you would like to have the zoning information about a property in Frederick County, there is an application at the county website called "Property Explorer". After entering an address, a report is generated that includes general property information, as well as information about voting, county services, and public safety.

Earlier last month I also attended the Legislative Day for the Frederick County Farm Bureau. Several other council members and County Executive Jessica Fitzwater also attended the county forum held at the New Midway Fire Hall where this year’s legislative priorities were presented. A little more than half of the current county council is comprised of new elected members. This was a great opportunity to introduce ourselves and to listen to members of the agricultural community in the county. Several concerns are ongoing and don’t have easy solutions.

The continuing growth in Frederick County is putting more vehicles on the road every day. In addition to the main roads, rural roads continue to be stressed by new housing developments and construction traffic. Farmers can’t increase the speed at which they move their equipment, so this makes addressing rural road safety more difficult. Much of the growth that can be seen in process today was approved several years ago by a previous county council, and the City of Frederick has also approved additional housing construction. We will have to work with state government and the other county municipalities to find creative solutions for our persistent traffic challenges.

Several positive county initiatives that support agriculture in Frederick County were also discussed. We have a very successful agricultural preservation program that is on track to exceed its original goal, and the county periodically offers agriculture innovation grants. Additionally, the county is working to address other issues such as controlling noxious weeds and timing the mowing of areas along county roads to help control the spread of weeds. There is balance that needs to happen between weed control and preserving the rural beauty along those roads.

Lastly, this month County Executive Fitzwater will be holding a Budget Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 14 at 7:00pm in the first-floor hearing room at Winchester Hall. We will not be having a County Council meeting that night. All are welcome to provide comment on the 2024 budget either in-person or by email. If you would like to reach me, my email address is

Hope you’re enjoying the early spring weather in Frederick County.

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