Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


From the Desk of
County Councilman Brad Young

(2/2025) The Council has two upcoming Bills advancing through our legislative process. Bill 24-20 Amends the Frederick County Uniformed Employees Retirement Plan Offering a Deferred Retirement Option Program. Bill 25-01 Amends Ch. 1-23-8 and Ch. 1-23-9 of the Frederick County Code - Historic Preservation Ordinance. I am sponsoring both of these upcoming Bills on behalf of the County Executive. For the most up to date agendas, full text of Bills, and Bill schedules, please visit our website.

Please stay tuned as we release important dates for the upcoming Frederick County FY-26 Budget. These dates will include Public Hearings, Budget Workshops, Budget Amendment discussions, and Final Budget Adoption.

The County Executive is currently working on developing the fiscal year 2026 Frederick County Budget. She is required to submit that to the County Council by April 15th. The Council then must adopt it by May 31st, or the County Executive’s proposed budget becomes law. Under the County Charter, the Council can only cut budget line items. The Council may not add to the budget or move funding between agencies.

The County Executive has budget town halls throughout the County. Please make your voices and concerns heard as early as possible. With the state of Maryland looking at a nearly $3 billion budget deficit this year, funding will be tighter than usual for local governments through Maryland.

The Frederick County Council encourages public involvement at every stage of the legislative process. We welcome public comment at every Council meeting on Tuesday evenings. Members of the public are welcome to attend and give comment in person, leave a voicemail to be forwarded to each Council Member, or email us any time at Please visit our website at to view our latest agendas, legislation, and upcoming calendar of events.

The Frederick County Council meets regularly on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 at Winchester Hall, located at 12 East Church Street in downtown Frederick. All meetings are open to the public, and we welcome participation. Members of the public are welcome to attend in person or participate over the phone.

And as always, if there is ever anything I can do for you, please feel free to reach out to me and my office. You can contact me via email at:, or you can call my office at 301-600-1108.

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