Karen Yoho – Candidate for Board of Education
(6/2018) This is my final article before the primary election on June 26. An important question to answer is, "Why should you vote for me?" I found a helpful online link with criteria to apply to the thirteen Board of Education candidates. Here’s the list with commentary based on my own self-reflections.
Do not run for school board if you:
Have a single issue concern affecting only your child or family member. I’ve been a teacher for 25 years and had over 600 students in my classes. My husband would ask, "When you say you bought these for your kids, are those our children or your students?" For the sake of our society, they are all our children.
Have had a serious difference of opinion with an administrator. Have I always agreed with my administrators? Of course not. Did I always think that they had the best interest of the students at heart? Yes. I would like to look at the process of how teachers become administrators and ensure that they have the proper supports in place.
Looking to begin a political career and using the school board as a stepping stone. Schools and education is what I know and have lived for over 30 years as a parent and teacher. I’m running for the Board of Education because this is where I know I can have the most positive impact.
Unable to give a significant amount of time for preparation and meeting attendance. On July 1 I’ll be a retired teacher. I will still manage the office of my husband’s electrical contracting business, which I’ve done that for the past nine years. I wouldn’t take on the responsibility of being a board member if I didn’t have the time to devote to it.
Unwilling to participate in training, board development, &c. I’m a lifelong learner. Even in my last year of teaching I’ve taken workshops on topics I felt would help my students. I attended the orientation that the superintendent invited all board candidates to. I look forward to attending these trainings to help prepare me to be the best board member I can
Unwilling to be open minded on a variety of educational issues. I’m the daughter of a retired scientist. All my decisions are based on evidence and results. I’ll admit that there are times I might initially dig in my heels, but once shown that there’s a better way, I’m on board. Being open minded is a prerequisite for being an educator.
Unwilling to work as a team player. I’ve worked with dozens of teammates throughout my career and am still in contact with many of them. I'm not an ideologue and I see no point in being contentious. It’s tiresome, tiring, and non-productive. I’m a results-oriented person and I want to be elected to get things done.
Unable and unwilling to accept and support majority decisions. That can be a tough one if you really feel strongly about your positions. But I believe I can do this based on past performance. I’ve had times in my life where I fought hard for an issue, only to lose out in the end. I’ve been able to move on and still maintain friendships with those on the other
side. That doesn't mean you don't keep trying to persuade others to your positions, but once decided it's non-productive to not let it go.
I hope you've found this helpful as you mull over which of us you will cast your votes for. To learn more about me visit www.KarenYoho.com.