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Town EV charging station use
by residents for free questioned

(9/25) At the request of Mayor Frank Davis, the Town Council voted to approve an ordinance to amend the Town Code for reserved parking for electric vehicles. Davis said he received phone calls complaining about cars utilizing the four spots past the 10 p.m. curfew. The callers also asked to extend the allowed time a vehicle can park at the charging station spots.

The amendment will change the times a vehicle can park in the designated spots from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to a continuous 24 hours. The six-hour charging limit would remain for all vehicles except the Town’s vehicle.

Commissioner Amy Pollitt asked about how the Town would enforce the six-hour limit and how difficult that would be? As they have always been on an honor system they will remain as such although it is easier to enforce during the day.

Davis mentioned that there is a video surveillance system set up to monitor the area which can be reviewed and if anyone is seen parking there overnight, they could be ticketed.

Pollitt pointed out that the stations are being used mostly by people that live within walking distance. "It’s great because people are buying more electric cars but at the same time, I would hate for it to become monopolized by a select few," she said.

Town staff was unable to give the Council an idea of what the Town pays monthly for electricity used by the stations. At this time the Town currently does not charge for use of the charging stations however they are set up to accept credit cards, they just never got around to activate it the staff said.

Outgoing Commissioner Tim O'Donnell mentioned the EV stations are on the nations maps for use by anyone and suggested if the Town were to install any more, they should do so near retail to prevent overnight parking.

Charging stations on maps however are predominate commercial charging stations, like those at shopping malls, and charge $10 and $30 to charge an EV.

One frustrated resident, who attended the meeting, questioned why the town was using their tax dollar to pay for electricity to charge a private vehicle.

"They are raising my water rates because they claim they don’t have enough money, yet they have enough money to pay for electricity to give away? If they are going to do that, then I think it only fair that they buy the closed Valero station and start giving gasoline away for free to the rest of us. Fair is fair."

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