(2/24) After many months of work, Town Planner Najila Ahsan introduced the Town’s Comprehensive Plan to the Town Council. The Plan is designed to set forth the Town’s policies in the areas of land use and community development, natural resources, transportation, utilities, recreation, and housing. It is reviewed and updated every ten years and will guide the Town through the year 2045.
The Plan includes an introduction where the Town’s history is reviewed and Maryland's 12 planning visions are introduced, which reflect the State’s aspiration to develop and implement sound growth and development policies. These visions are quality of life and sustainability, public participation, growth areas, community design, infrastructure, transportation, housing, economic development, environmental protection, resource conservation, stewardship and implementation. The three pillars of sustainability (environmental, social, and economic) are also included. In order for a project to be considered sustainable, it must be balanced across these three pillars.
For Chapter two, the Commission utilized surveys taken in 2023 and 2024 to determine how the residents felt about their Town and what concerns they had. Ahsan said the survey information was "synthesized" into themes that relate to the three pillars of sustainability. For Emmitsburg, these are Economic Development (where job growth, support for local business and improvements to infrastructure are considered), Community Development (where community engagement, improving amenities, affordable housing and poverty alleviation are discussed) and Environmental Sustainability (where preservation, climate change and awareness and community led awareness are addressed).
Chapters three through nine have goals, objectives and strategies related to the topics. Chapter three, "Population and Housing", looks to promote housing diversity, encourage infill development, reduce vacant and blighted properties and support housing that meets intergenerational needs.
Chapter four, "Economy and Fiscal Health", focuses on supporting small businesses, how to leverage tourism, enhancing infrastructure, implementing a Main Street Improvement Program, how to attract new industries and continued local outreach programs to connect ALICE (Asset Limited, Income, Constraint, Employed) households.
Chapter five, "Environment and Natural Resources", encourages the safeguarding of natural resources and water systems, ensuring new development has minimal environmental impact, discusses climate resilience and increased public awareness and stewardship.
Chapter six, "Land Use and Community design", promotes smart growth, continues efforts to preserve and enhance the historic district and enhances connectivity and public spaces.
Chapter seven, "Transportation", aims to reduce Main Street traffic congestion, promote alternative transportation modes and address a lack of adequate parking.
Chapter eight, "Community Facilities", is geared toward strengthening the collaboration between the local educational institutions and the community, ensure public safety and emergency services are adequate and ensure a sustainable water system to support future growth.
Chapter nine, ‘Municipal growth’, addresses the need for expanding the water supply, collaboration with Frederick County Public Schools to address school capacity challenges and confirmation that the parks and green spaces meet Town Code requirements.
Chapter ten, "Implementation", is still being reviewed by the Planning Commission. It takes all of the goals from the prior chapters and turns them into actionable steps that can lead them to becoming reality.
While much of the Plan has been reviewed, revised and submitted, much work remains to complete the process including approval by the residents of Emmitsburg, Town Council and the County.
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