(3/2025) I hope everyone had a spectacular New Year and you are managing to stay warm! At our reorganization meeting we did confirm a tax increase of 0.5 millage for 2025. A 0.5 millage is equivalent to $50 per $100,000. The Adams County Board of Commissioners also approved a 0.7 mil tax increase for County taxes. All taxpayers will see an increase in their Municipal/County 2025 tax bill. I do apologize and I understand this is a financial burden on everyone, but it is necessary to meet projected expenses.
At our January Board of Supervisors meeting, Terry DeWitt was promoted to the full-time Chief of Police of Liberty Township. We thank him for all his hard work over the past six months as Officer in Charge. He is very deserving of his promotion. Ryan Morris was promoted to Sergeant. He has been very instrumental in helping us obtain new equipment for the police department to make the department more efficient. We thank him for his generous donations to Liberty Township. We congratulate them both on being promoted and we look forward to them continuing to serve in Highland, Freedom, and Liberty Township. Furthermore, Chad Fuchs was hired as a part-time Police Officer for the Township. He will begin patrolling in February. We also hired a part-time plow driver, on an as needed basis for the township, Richard Hartle. We welcome them both to the Liberty Township Staff.
The Police Department would kindly like to remind drivers of the "Duty of Drivers in Emergency Response Areas." In an emergency response area, a driver is required to "move over" by passing in a lane not adjacent to the area if possible, or if unable to do so, slow down to a speed no more than 20 miles per hour below the posted speed limit while safely passing through the area; this is commonly referred to as the "Move Over" law and applies to situations where emergency responders, tow trucks, or disabled vehicles with hazard lights are present. This also applies during inclement weather.
The operator of a vehicle upon a roadway shall display lighted head lamps and other lamps and illuminating devices between sunset and sunrise, anytime when the operator cannot discern a person or a vehicle from 1,000 feet due to insufficient light or unfavorable conditions including rain, snow, sleet, hail fog smoke or smog, and anytime when the vehicle’s windshield wipers are in continuous or intermittent use. Please understand that the people who are trying to restore the infrastructure of the roadways are trying to keep everyone safe. The move over law needs to be followed as the Liberty Township Police Department will not tolerate violation of this law placing our volunteers, Patrols, and other assisting agencies in danger. Failure to comply with the "Move Over" law can result in a traffic violation and associated fines. The speed enforcement signs are currently being programmed. The signs will provide data speed collection which will help with speed
enforcement in all three townships. The Liberty Township Police Department is also planning to host National Night Out on August 5. This provides a terrific opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances. Stay tuned for more information to be provided soon.
We were able to award the bid for the concrete pad for the new salt shed. As soon as the weather permits, the contractor will complete the job. We can then transfer the snow material to the new salt shed and move forward with the plan to utilize the land that we have to best suit township needs.
January has been a cold month with moderate snow precipitation in our township. The road crew was able to get the roads salted, cindered, and open for the harsh weather. As temperatures continue to be in the single digits, teens, and low twenties, it is important to be vigilant of black ice on the roads and to drive safely.
I want to thank the road department for doing an excellent job of keeping our roadways safe during the winter months. Snow plowing does bring complaints from residents who find that their mailbox was knocked over after a snowstorm or ice storm. While our plow truck drivers make every effort to avoid mailboxes, they do on occasion, hit, or knock one over. If it is believed that a mailbox was struck by a Township plow vehicle, a damage report must be filed within 48 hours of the snowfall. The form is available on our website or by contacting the township office. Placing a 6-to-8-inch piece of reflective tape on the mailbox will help snowplow operators see the mailbox at night.
Winter Safety Reminders: Please have your furnaces serviced, especially if you have oil because they are more prone to giving off carbon monoxide poisoning. Remember to change your smoke and carbon monoxide alarm batteries and make sure they are working properly. Keep an eye on your pipes and prevent them from freezing. Top off the antifreeze in your cars and remember to keep emergency supplies in your vehicle in case you break down. Make sure your tires are well inflated and keep your cell phone charged.
School taxes are due March 31st. You can submit your payments by mail, drop them in the drop box at the Township Office, or contact Jessica Ilko to schedule an appointment to pay them in person. Her information can be found on your tax bill.
Thank you very much for your continued support of the Liberty Township Supervisors. If you have any issues, please feel free to contact us individually or you can come to one of the Board of Supervisor meetings at 6 PM the first Tuesday of each month. We would love to see you, hear your input, and learn how we can better serve you.
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