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2018 County Election Endorsements

Michael Hillman
Executive Editor

(10/28) Maybe it’s a telling sign of our time that I find myself beginning this piece with opening paragraphs establishing my conservative credentials and then telling you that for the good of Frederick County – its rich traditions, financial future, and preservation for future generations – you should split your ticket when you vote in this upcoming election.

My commitment to conservatism – the thoughtful and reflective analysis of issues as explained to me at the dinner table of William Buckley, father of the conservative movement – is life-long. I have sat at the same dinner table discussing conservative philosophy with the likes of Robert Bork and have had my name listed on page 2 of the American Spectator. I always will be a dyed-in-the-wool conservative.

The founders of conservatism wanted voters to judge their representatives on individual merits, not solely on party – which is why Ronald Regan and Tip O’Neal could always find common ground. At one time, there was a middle of the road, but sadly, in today’s national politics at least, that middle road seems to be gone. But it’s not too late for Frederick County. Its rich history is full of leaders of both parties who always put Frederick County first. In this election, we voters have the ability to continue that tradition – to elect leaders who will represent our needs, not theirs or some special interest.

So, I am endorsing the following candidates; they are the best the County has to offer, and they come from both parties:

Jan Gardner (D) for County Executive

Four years ago we did not endorse Jan – but fortunately she still won. Let’s face it, Jan inherited a nightmare of backroom deals from the last, all Republican, Board of County Commissioners, that had they continued, they could have bankrupted the County. Under her leadership Jan put the County back on solid financial footing without raising taxes. At the same time, she oversaw a marked improvement in the accountability of the County staff and the quality of their work. Given it took her four years to "right a sinking ship" Jan has more than earned the right to sail that ship for four more years and set it on a course that will ensure future residents can enjoy all the benefits of living in this remarkable County. Jan has earned my respect and she has earned our vote of confidence in her leadership of the County. 

To learn more about Jan, visit her campaign website at  -  Read Jan's final campaign article

Shannon Bohrer (D) for County Council District 5

I have to admit; in this pick I’m prejudiced. For almost eight years now Shannon’s Words From Winterbilt column has headlined the commentary section of this paper. No candidate running in this election has a clearer paper trail on their thinking process then Shannon. As a long-time County resident, farmer, former police officer, Shannon has always put the interest of the Northern part of the County above all else. I can think of no one I would want to represent me more than him. There is an old saying: "you can’t pick your family, but you can pick your friends." I’m proud to count Shannon not only as a friend, but a neighbor, and one would be hard pressed to find a better neighbor. We need good neighbors on the County Council – and Shannon will bring that mindset to the Council.

Read Shannon's final campaign article

Bud Otis (I) for County Council At-large

More than anyone else in the current County Council, Bud has demonstrated his willingness to stick to his core conservative principles, no matter what the cost and for that he has my admiration. In order to stick to those principles, Bud felt it necessary to leave the Republican Party, a decision I fully understood and endorsed. I would have done the same. Bud is a thoughtful, intelligent, highly accomplished, and caring individual. He is exactly the type of individual we need to anchor the County Council. He has always placed the needs of the County over his own needs, and like Jan, has earned the right to serve us for four more years.

 Read Bud's final campaign article

Kai Hagen (D) for County Council At-large

Eight years ago, when the County was still run by a Board of Commissioners, Kai was the recipient of our first endorsement. He did not disappoint us then, and I know he will not disappoint us now. Kai is a strong advocate for Smart Growth in the County, and will seek out economically sound approaches to growth that reduces costs and protects our communities as much as it protect our environment. Some of my conservative friends feel Kai is too single-mindedly focused on preserving the natural environment – which makes me wonder – since when did caring about the environment cease being a goal of the conservative movement? The goal of each generation has always been, and always should be, to ensure that future generations inherit a better world. Kai lives by that principle and will work to ensure that what makes Frederick County such a wonderful place to live will still be here for future generations.

Read Kai's final campaign article

Chuck Jenkins (R) for Sheriff

I don’t even know where to begin to list my reasons for endorsing Chuck – they are so varied that even though I buy ink by the barrel, I fear I could run out of ink listing them! I’ve had the opportunity to come to know Chuck both professionally and personally, and no one is more honorable, honest, and better suited to serve as a County sheriff then Chuck. He is the very epitome of what it means to be an exceptional law enforcement officer. I guess the best way to sum Chuck up is to quote his response to the question about why he was not out campaigning more, "Because I’m too busy being sheriff." There is a lot of talk these days about the opioid crisis – but that is not the only issue a Sheriff faces. While some see only part of the battle, Chuck sees the whole field, and has demonstrated his ability and willingness to tackle all the issues to ensure we live in a safe and secure County. To all my Democratic friends thinking about voting a straight ballet, don’t – Frederick County has earned the right to have Chuck continue to be our Sheriff. 

 Read Chuck's final campaign article

Jessica Douglass (D) for State Senator

I met Jessica for the first time this year, but she has impressed me with her honesty, intelligence, and willingness to serve the citizens of the County and listen to diverse viewpoints, unlike her opponent, Michael Hough, who after four years in office has accomplished nothing and promises four more years of accomplishing nothing!

Jessica Douglass shares our values; she is proud of Frederick County. She will not let us down or serve any outside masters. Our goal and needs will be her goals and needs.

Dan Cox (R) for State Delegate

Dan, like Shannon Bohrer, is a neighbor, and a good one. He is intelligent, thoughtful, and articulate. I would love to be a fly on the wall when he and Jessica discuss a bill in front of the state government, but I can guarantee you, even if they are on polar opposite sides, the discussion will be civil, and both sides will leave knowing more than they went in with. Dan represents the best of what it once meant to be a conservative Republican. He will do us well.

 Read Read Dan's final campaign article 

Lastly, unfortunately many people never really think much about the down ballot votes. There are good people, with good track records, who are often overlooked because they are not of your party. Sharon Keller (R) for Register of Wills and Sandra Dalton (R) for Clerk of Court are two such individuals. Like Jan Gardner, Sharon and Sandra did not receive our endorsement four years ago, but both have proven us wrong in our failure to do so. They are dedicated to ensuring that their departments provide the very best service to the residents of Frederick County – and having been the recipient of that service first hand, I have absolutely no qualms in endorsing their efforts to continue to ensure that residents get the best service possible.

Read Sharon's last campaign article

Read Sandra's last campaign article

When you enter the voting booth on November 6, do Frederick County a favor, and split your ticket. Vote for the very best Frederick County has to offer. If you do that the future of Frederick County will be bright.

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