Music Gettysburg! Presents Festival Choral Vespers for Advent to Light up the Darkness
(11/29) Music, Gettysburg’s! Schola Cantorum will begin the season of Advent and light up the winter darkness with a festive choral setting for vespers on Sunday, December 2nd, 2012 at 7:30pm. in the chapel of the Lutheran Theological Seminary. The one hour festival choral setting for evening prayer is free and open to the public.
The 25-voice Schola Cantorum of Gettysburg, under the direction of Stephen P. Folkemer, will augment the evening prayer liturgy with and the lovely 16th century choral setting of the "Magnificat" by Peter Hallock. Other motets will include: "Over the Hills Young Mary Hastes" – Johannes Eccard (1553-1611), "O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem" – Thomas Tomkins (1572-1672),
"Those Who Sowed with Tears Will Reap with Shouts of Joy" – Heinrich Schütz (1585-1650), and Hans Leo Hassler’s (1564-1612) "Then Mary Said to the Angel."

"This is the gift you can open early," said Mark Oldenburg, Dean of the Seminary’s Chapel and chair of Music, Gettysburg! He continued, "there is no better way to open up the Advent season than to treat yourself to this feast of musical prayer."
Music, Gettysburg! is a premier free concert series featuring the finest regional, national and international musicians hosted by the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. The seminary chapel is located at 147 Seminary Ridge on the west edge of Gettysburg. For more information about this and other concerts remaining in the Music, Gettysburg! schedule,
please call 717-334-6286 ext 2197 or email or visit the web site at .
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