(11/23) The Thurmont Board of Commissioners presented the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund with a check for $24,500 in donations from the 10th annual Gateway to the Cure campaign at the Nov. 21 town meeting. Volunteers of the campaign and sponsoring businesses were present at the meeting, many wearing pink.
"It’s been busy for the last 10 years, and I think everybody in this room has been a part of that journey," Thurmont Economic Director Vickie Grinder said at the meeting. "It’s raining outside but we have lots of sunshine and warmth in this room tonight."

The annual Gateway to the Cure started in 2014 with volunteers selling pink light bulbs and businesses promoting and donating to the campaign. This raised $3,000 the first year, Grinder said. She credited these fundraising activities as the "heart and soul of the Gateway to the Cure."
"Those are the two core elements of this campaign, and everything else has just flourished with that," Grinder said.
The annual amounts expanded over the years as the campaign started involving new events, including a golf classic, a 5K and a zumbathon. This year, the campaign received the most resident donations of any year, totaling to about 30.
"It doesn’t matter if it’s $5, if it’s $10, or if it's $500," Grinder said. "A dollar is a dollar and they all count."
Upon completing the 10th Gateway to the Cure, the town of Thurmont has raised a total of $163,500 over the years for the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund, a not-for-profit foundation that raises funds to make the best breast cancer treatment accessible to Frederick County residents.
Patty and Jeff Hurwitz started the fund in 1999 after Patty was diagnosed with breast cancer. It has raised over $3 million since its founding, 100% of which stays in Frederick County, Patty said.
"Thank you so much for all you do for cancer awareness in Frederick County," Mayor John Kinnaird said to Patty. "We all appreciate it." He also thanked the volunteers, businesses and residents that participated this year.
Patty announced at the meeting that the focus of the fund is now directed to precision medicine clinical trials research in Frederick County. The foundation raised money for Frederick Health to hire a research nurse navigator for the Breast Center which will allow for Frederick Health to implement eight clinical trials in breast cancer treatment.
The first trial will test a new cancer drug that "hopefully will be as effective as what we have now" but with less harsh side effects, Patty said.
Patty commended the town of Thurmont for its contributions to the cause over the last 10 years. "It’s really not what I do, it’s what you all do," Patty said. "Jeff and I … we’re the vessel, we say, and we make it possible for generous people like the town of Thurmont, and all of you and all the volunteers, to do what you do to help this cause."
"Thank you, Patty and Jeff, you inspire all of us," Grinder said. "I think that’s why we all do what we do. It keeps us going."