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Kinnaird requests change in
 liaison assignment

(2/25) At the Feb. 4 meeting, Mayor John Kinnaird requested to change his current liaison assignment due to scheduling conflicts on his end.

Kinnaird is currently serving as the liaison for the Planning and Zoning Commission, but was having issues attending the meetings as the Maryland Municipal League (MML) meetings are occasionally on the same night as the Town’s Planning and Zoning meetings. Kinnaird is required to attend two MML meetings a month, one of which is the third Thursday of each month; the Planning and Zoning Commission meets every Thursday evening. "I’m finding myself not attending all the Planning and Zoning meetings that I’d really like to attend and also not attending all the MML meetings I’d like to attend," Kinnaird said. "So, I would like to withdraw myself as the liaison to the Planning and Zoning Commission and ask someone else to step in."

In addition to asking for one of the commissioners to step in as the Planning and Zoning Commission liaison, Kinnaird gave the entire Council the opportunity to change their assignment if they "wanted to try something else out." The Mayor went on to explain that he didn’t expect any of the commissioners to come off of an assignment if they didn’t want to, as he understands that one becomes a sort of "expert" in the area after being the liaison for that commission for so long.

The commissioners in attendance were all happy with their current liaison assignments, so Kinnaird planned to ask Commissioner Marty Burns, who was not in attendance, if he would be willing to switch assignments. Burns is currently the liaison for the Economic Development Commission, but was the liaison for Planning and Zoning Commission in the past. While the Town Council members in attendance agreed that Burns would likely agree to switch, they plan to wait until he can officially confirm before the switch is made.

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