Historical Photos
Over the years, we've received many photos for contributors all across the country. Many will someday be
the focus of stories, but until that time come, we thought you might enjoy seeing them ... if they bring back any memories, please share then with us!
(To see a larger version of the photos, simply click on it - you'll find you can see in the larger
versions fascinating.)
Set 1 - Index of photos

Dollar Bill issues by the Corporation of Emmitsburg in 1837
(Prior to the US Dollar, local communities and business issued their own currency)

Emmitsburg after the fire of June 15, 1863
(Taken from the now present parking lot of the Seton Shrine)

Old Emmitsburg Road - Now Rt. 15. ~ 1890
(Taken from the Mason Dixon line looking south toward Emmitsburg)

Old Emmitsburg Road i~ 1900 headed toward Mount St. Marys
(Taken approximately at the intersection of present Old Emmitsburg and Scott Roads.
The house in the picture was called Bella Vista)

"Toll House' at top of 'Toll Gate Hill'
(Taken from what is now the intersection of Old Emmitsburg Road & South Seton Ave)

'Toll Gate Hill' looking towards town. House at top of the on left is Toll Gate House
(Taken from what is now the intersection of Old Emmitsburg Road & South Seton Avenue)

Covered bridge on Old Emmitsburg Road over Toms Creek looking towards town.
House at top of the hill on right is guest house for St. Joseph's College
(Taken on present day South Seton Avenue)

Covered bridge on Old Emmitsburg Road over Toms Creek looking away from town
(Taken during a flood in 1914)

Covered bridge on Old Emmitsburg Road over Toms Creek looking towards town ~ 1900s

Old Emmitsburg Road after winter storm of 1914

Old Emmitsburg Road after winter storm of 1914

Old Emmitsburg Road after winter storm of 1914 - Looking towards town

Old Emmitsburg Road after winter storm of 1914 - Looking towards town

Old Emmitsburg Road after winter storm of 1914 - Looking towards town

Clearing Emmitsburg Railroad tracks after snow storm of 1916. Houses in background are the guest house for St. Joseph's College and St. Josephs
station on Emmitsburg railroad.

Town taken looking East ~ 1900
Index of photos: Set 2 of photos
Have an old photo of Emmitsburg area?
If so, please contact us at history@emmitsburg.net and we'll
arrange to have it scanned and added to this collection. |