Historical Photos
Over the years, we've received many photos for contributors all across the country. Many will someday be the
focus of stories, but until that time come, we thought you might enjoy seeing them ... if they bring back any memories, please share then with us!
(To see a larger version of the photos, simply click on it - you'll find you can see in the larger versions
Set 4 - Index of photos

St. Joeseph's High School, 1951

Emmitsburg Public High School

Emmitsburg Post Office ~ 1900
(Annan & Brother's Building is present day Ott House Restaurant)

Emmitsburg Post Office ~ 1951

Wivell's Blacksmith Shop, S. Seton Ave. (1951)
Throughout the State and perhaps the United States, you could not find what is still considered a lively business in Emmitsburg.
It's the blacksmith shop, located on South Seton Avenue, and now operated by Joseph Wivell. This enterprising business was started some 75 years ago by
Charles Zeck, who operated it for 25 years. The next successor was Bernard Welty, who continued the blacksmithing for nearly a half century. It has only
been five years ago that Joseph Wivell has taken the reins of the "old village blacksmith."
This is a real, old-fashioned country shop in active operation, with its forges, its anvils, and its carriage shop adjoining.
How-ever, blacksmithing is not what it used to be, Mr. Wivell said, so far as shoeing horses is concerned, but wagon work goes on pretty much the same. In
Emmitsburg you can still go down to Wivell's Blacksmith Shop and get the smell of the burning hoof when a big farm horse has come in to have his toenails
trimmed and new shoes fitted on.

Rowe's Grocery Store, W. Main St., (1951)
Just west of Mathew's Store, Now Reckly's Plumbing
(Was there a hatter store here before Rowe)
The Emmitsburgian who has maintained a going-concern in town the longest number of years at the same location is Frank W. Rowe. For
65 years he has operated, first, a boot and shoe store, and later in June, 1927, added the grocery store to his present site on West Main Street.
Still active and agile, Mr. Rowe at the age of 19 started his apprenticeship in the bootmaking business with his father, James R.
Rowe. His dad, six years later, made him a full partner.
In the early days, Mr. Rowe made two types of men's shoes, lace and gear, which retailed at $5.75, and men's fine boots, which sold
for $9.95. When he augmented his clean and kempt store with the grocery line, he says the "first day didn't go very well" with total receipts amounting to
When speaking on the philosophy of life, Mr. Rowe believes success can be obtained by not mixing politics with religion, and above
all, don't knock your competitor. This has lead him to achieve his long business success in Emmitsburg.
Mr. Rowe, in reminiscing, is quick to remark that in politics today people don't fight like they used to. They are prone to accept
the situation "status quo." In regards to the present day youth, he believes the children are fine examples of good Americans.

Emmitsburg 1951 (Click on Photo for larger version)

M. F. Shuff's Furniture Store (1879)

Rowe's Food Market ~ 1951

Moffit's Restaurant, Center Square ~ 1951

Frailey's Store, West Main Street - Read the History of Frailey's Store

Clarence Frailey operated the store on West Main Street where Welty's Market is now located Pictured above are (left to right): Mr.
Frailer, Bessie Hoke, Joe Hoke, Howard (Baldy) Rowe, Bill Sellers, Harry Troxell, and Clarence's father, Oscar Frailey. This picture was taken about 1920.

West Main Street taken from Presbyterian Church Steeple ~ 1900

East End Garage, East main Street
Index of photos: Set 5 of photos
Have an old photo of Emmitsburg area?
If so, please contact us at history@emmitsburg.net and we'll
arrange to have it scanned and added to this collection. |