(10/2016) Fall really is coming even though while I am writing this the temperature is supposed to hit 100 today. While we wait on the cooler temperatures we can be thinking of how to keep our outside exercise routine going through the nice cool weather and even into the cold times of winter.
This summer has been very hot and humid for long periods of time and many of my clients have told me they just could not take the outside temps, especially to exercise in them. Being the dedicated troopers that they are they found interesting things to keep moving inside and still challenge themselves. Some even decided to alternate inside and outside
exercise just to keep things fresh and interesting. In past articles I have suggested videos and exercise programs on TV to guide you through an exercise routine and to keep you motivated. I do think these are good tools to get you to stick to an exercise time and not let you develop a habit of skipping exercise.
New and challenging ways to keep moving are coming out every day. Take a dance class, skiing lessons, horseback riding, Tia Chi or anything that makes you move and you enjoy doing. The really big challenge is to keep up the time you set aside for yourself. I realize that sometimes, because of school programs or other appointments that are scheduled and
you cannot change makes you have to do your workout at a different time, but please don’t just skip it. Commit to yourself and find another time that is just for you.
Coming off a hard, hot summer for my family this year has taught me the importance of taking care of you. I will admit I have struggled to find time to exercise this summer but seeing how I feel from not sticking to a routine tells me that you really can’t take care of others and your daily jobs if you don’t take care of yourself first. That really is
not being selfish, it is being smart and productive. I will be glad to hear any ideas you may have for interesting ways that you maintain your exercise routine during the fall and winter.
Please contact me with questions or ideas at 717-334-6009. Remember, Keep Moving, it is so important to your health.