Natural ways to improve health
Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer
(5/2023) Always consult your physician for any medical condition you are having. Changing of seasons can have a positive or negative affect on people. Not everyone handles this change in the same way. Warmer weather usually improves our mood because we cannot get outside more. Even if you like the warm weather, just the change in routine can upset our emotional balance.
Talking with friends and family can be a good way to work through the feelings and concerns you may be having. Going for a walk, run or ride on your bike will raise your endorphin level and boost your mood. Now that the temperature is getting warmer outside it's a good time to think about your summer exercise routine.
Some people like to go to the gym and pump iron to release tension while others can feel better with less exertion. Whatever works for you is worth setting aside time for. Everyone knows exercise can improve high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and improve flexibility but not everyone thinks of improving emotional and mental feelings with a good workout.
Many doctors have prescribed exercise, both cardio and weight training, to help patients with depression or other diagnosis. Our body has many ways to heal itself and often we think of medication before self-help. I always recommend seeing your doctor for a professional diagnosis. It's a good idea to talk to the doctor about anything you can do on your own that may help.
Today medical doctors are working together with professionals in alternative medicines to treat the complete patient. Medication is often needed to treat a disease but alternatives treatments like acupuncture, meditation and even exercise can ease the symptoms. Everyone is different and you need to consult with your doctor for your specific situation but it may be helpful to check into the new recommendations.
People have learned that keeping active can sometimes keep their spirits up and having a positive attitude always seems to help when you are facing any hardship. Having someone to talk to usually gives you a release and may even give you a better outlook on the situation you are facing. Finding a partner to take a brisk walk with while you talk about what is troubling you may be the answer for some. Walking by yourself and having the time alone may be just what others need.
I think the most important thing is sharing your concerns with someone. Being there to listen to someone's thoughts is how most of us can get through life's challenges. I've said before, a true friend is one that will put your needs first and present ideas to help you through whatever you are facing. This is the time you find out who your real friends are and believe me, they will be there for you no matter what.
Remember, Keep Moving, we now know how much it can help.
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