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Winter hydration is important too!

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(3/2025) It's not as hard to remember to drink in the summer when we get hot and thirsty while outside working or exercising. Many people don't think about drinking and hydrating in the winter when it's cold and we are not outside as much. Hydration in the cold months is just as important as in the hot summer months. Since our bodies and organs contain a high amount of water, moisture is extremely important to keep them functioning properly.

When exercising we can get thirsty and that will remind us to get a drink. It is very important to keep drinking all through the day to keep hydrated. By the time we feel thirsty we are already becoming dehydrated. Keeping a glass or bottle of water out where we will see it will remind us to take a drink, even if you don't feel thirsty at the time. It's also a good practice to keep a water bottle with measurements on it to be sure you are drinking the amount you need for the day. Figure out how much you want and need to drink each day. Decide how much you want to have finished before lunch and be sure you have reached that goal. Refill the bottle and be sure to finish the rest before dinner. If you keep the bottle in a place that you will see it, that will remind you to take a drink and it will be easier to get the amount of water you need for each day. Sometimes out of site relates to out of mind and at the end of the day you realize you didn't drink enough, then try to compensate at the end of the day.

Drinking water can help prevent many problems that our body may develop. Keeping our body hydrated can help with maintaining blood pressure, preventing urinary tract infections, headaches and other issues. In the winter you may notice your skin is dry, your eyes may feel dry and itchy, your lips may feel chapped and dry. Maintaining the proper amount of hydration during the winter months can help prevent some of the irritations we develop because of the dry air from being indoors with the heat on and from being in the air outside when the temperature is really cold.

Adding electrolytes to the water is good because they help your body absorb even more hydration into your muscles and body. You may find that if you start drinking more water than you usually do you may have to go to the bathroom more often. That's normal because your body is not use to having that much water. As your body gets use to you drinking more it will handle it without as many bathroom trips. Your body will also let you know when it wants hydration. Electrolytes help your body absorb and retain hydration. That's why when someone has the flu or virus they are told to drink fluids with electrolytes to replenish what they may have lost when they were sick so they don't get dehydrated.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is just as important to keep hydrated in the winter as it is in the summer. The thing is, we need to be aware that we may not be drinking as much and remind ourselves to take a drink more often during the day in the winter.

Hydration is right up there with good nutrition, exercise, good hygiene, sleep and taking time for ourselves. I know everyone is busy and sometimes the day just doesn't seem to have enough hours in it to get everything done we would like to. When we realize that taking care of ourselves is the key to being able to take care of everyone else and getting things done, it just may be a little easier to put yourself in the front of the line.

Remember, keep moving, you'll be glad you did! You will also be able to complete your day and your chores with more ease and less aches.

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