
Are you
Oblivious to the Obvious?
Father John J. Lombardi
What the title above
means, is-Do you or don't you know that Jesus
Christ is fully Present in the Holy Eucharist?
Do you "taste and see how good is the Lord"? (Ps
) in holy Communion ?
In this Sunday's Gospel
(St. John 6:1-15-"The Eucharistic Chapter")
Jesus feeds His people with the Bread of Life.
How often we have heard these words proclaimed
and yet how little we have fully penetrated
their meaning: "Jesus took the loaves, gave
thanks, and gave them to the people
reclining…When the people saw the sign He had
done, they said: 'This is truly the prophet Who
has come into the world". So, to help us both
understand and appreciate Jesus' Words and
Sacred Actions-especially in the holy Eucharist,
below are, first, some thoughts of Fr. Al
Winscham, a Jesuit priest who recently preached
an "Evening of Eucharistic Healing" at the
Grotto, and following this, some thoughts of
this Chaplain…
Participation in the
Eucharist/Fr. Al Winscham:
At the Offertory Prayer
in the Mass we should ask the Lord accept us
into His sacrifice w/ humble and contrite
hearts-I suddenly realized that we partake of
the Sacrifice of Jesus-we aren't remembering
something 2000 yrs old but touching Calvary in
the present moment. Let's do this, take part of
our life and put into the bread and wine and
offer ourselves within this offering…The Mass is
a healing prayer as well as Sacrifice. We can
take a gift and offer as gift within the Mass…In
the beginning of the Mass we confess our sins to
clear up way…Then we go into part of the Mass of
Liturgy of Revealed Word (the readings from the
Bible) in listening to God speaking to us
personally-you might not get it now, His
revelation, but something will strike you
perhaps later-God is speaking to us all the
time…In the Offertory-when bringing gifts of
bread and wine-we should at Mass only bring
these forth, not anything else except the
collection for the poor-and place materially
yourself, all yourself into the bread and
wine-surrender to His love. Don't tell him what
to do, He knows what to do , but let Him do
however mysterious to you.
The Fourth Part of
Mass-The Incarnate Word of God comes to us
Eucharistically by the priest-in the Body and
Blood of Christ,as in The Miracle of Lanciano
(in 700 a doubting priest experienced a
consecrated Host literally bleeding and this
same Host is preserved today in this Italian
town). Jesus Christ comes to us not just in "the
flesh" but also in His Sacred Heart-so mingle
with His Sacred Blood….Just put yourself, part
of your life in Jesus' Life and Heart.
The Fifth Part of Mass
is Communion: aligning with His Love-in an
intimacy of Union-Jesus comes totally within us.
This takes us into the Mind and Heart of
Jesus…In the Sign of Peace-we should actually
bring peace to others as Jesus did (not
casually)-we're committing ourselves to Lord's
After receiving Holy
Communion now give thanks to Him for what he is
mysteriously doing within you, which we don't
fully know…Conclusion: This is a way of praying
the Mass. This is how my healing ministry has
developed-Jesus is the only healer, and yet
Jesus uses others to heal. We need to take the
focus away form self and put it where it needs
to be-in Jesus!
Now, "The List"-- Ten
Points About the Eucharist (FJL)
- Participate in the
Divine Desire of Jesus Christ: This means,
especially at Mass, to seek, gain and
cultivate Christ's holy inclination to
sacrifice. It is one thing to "go to Mass," or
"fulfill your duty" and it is quite another to
sense and embrace the thoughts, sentiments and
feelings of the Savior of the World. Do you
feel the Lord's Passion in Mass? Do you sense
His sacred desire to come and save souls? Do
you become one with His Sacrifice?
- The Miraculous comes
to us: In St John's Gospel account of this
feeding of the five hundred we have a
miracle-Jesus makes small amounts of bread
become voluminous to feed many. In the Mass
Jesus again, thru the sacred priest, changes
bread and wine into His Body and Blood. In
today's world with a loss of the supernatural,
which is one of the greatest dangers of our
times, we can tend to become "ho-hum" about
Mass and receiving Holy Communion. How can you
cultivate knowledge an experience of this
Supernatural Event of The Eucharist? It seems
so ordinary-a priest at the altar, some
worshippers gathered, a few words of
consecration, and the same appearance of bread
and wine afterward-it is, perhaps for some,
sometimes difficult to believe that this is
Jesus, substantially Present in the Eucharist.
It, He--Jesus, is not just a symbol now, or a
transignification (meaning, erroneously, the
only sign value of bread and wine has
changed), but it is really Him therein in a
miracle which happens daily upon our altars.
Do you want to experience a miracle-then go to
Mass and receive Holy Communion!
- Deliverer of Sins: In
St. John's Gospel it says that "the Jewish
feast of Passover was near…" This is "code"
for Jesus is the New Passover; He is the New
Covenant, He is the Sacrifice for our sins to
forgive us. He is the Pure Offering, the
Innocent Lamb for the propitiation of our sins
which He alone can do.. Therefore: offer up
with the priest the Sacrifice of the Mass so
as to seek forgiveness of the world's
sins.This is the "sense of the saints"-the
mindfulness that they, the saints, could help
redeem the world by participation in the Mass.
- He feeds us- God
feeds us. In our world today most of us can
get food wherever and whenever we want. But
what about godly food?! Do you seek this food,
this offering from Him? You rightly receive
and accept offerings of dinners and meals from
friends and family, but do you desire the
Offering of Jesus?
- Divinization: Can you
go to Mass-frequently even daily as The
Catechism of the Catholic Church recommends?
Look--no other religion promises this: the
Bliss of Godliness, actually receiving the
extension of Divinity unto ourselves. Jesus is
offering this to you, His Divinity within you.
Are you answering Him positively or ignoring
Him blithely? Recall frequently His Divinizing
promise: "He who eats My Flesh and drinks My
Blood will abide in Me and I in Him" (St Jn.
- Prayer after
Communion: This is one of the most important
lessons-ever!-this chaplain has learned about
spirituality and Mass-to pray and contemplate
the Divine Reality we have just received in
Holy Communion. This is difficult but
do-able-to pray and focus within upon the
Divine Indwelling Presence without distraction
or . One of the best, important prayers to
help you focus upon Jesus and Holy Communion,
to help you become attracted and not
distracted is here: Memorize it and pray
frequently, "The Anima Christi": Soul of
Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water form the
side of Christ wash me clean. O Good Jesus:
Hear me. From the malicious enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me, and bid me
come unto Thee, that with Thy saints I may
praise Thee, forever and ever: Amen.
- Three Main Reasons of
Mass, are…Adoration: This is the main reason
why we exist-to praise, worship and adore the
Lord. We should de this preeminently in the
Holy Mass…Reparation: This means to make up
for our and others' sins, to "repair the
world" thru the Sacrifice of Jesus in the
Mass. Let us pray for the sins of
Islamofascists who kill innocent victims
voluminously throughout the world in today's
Battle of Terrorism. Let us pray for the
conversion of us immersed in the materialism
of the West, and for the destruction of
innocent human life-the born and unborn. Let
us offer up and re-direct the graces we
receive in Holy Communion to wandering lost
souls, to pornographers and drug addicts and
all sinners. Thanksgiving: Herein we express
and cultivate thanks for the Lord Himself
coming to us, and for all His benefits
- Sacrament of Unity:
This is a "title" given to the Eucharist
because Holy Communion should bind us
together, make us more united. So: Do you help
others feel part of the worshipping community?
Do you welcome others, invite them to Mass? In
St James ( 2:2-5) we read of the point about
welcoming someone who is rich and well clothed
and not welcoming others who are poor and ill
clad. Do you do this and embrace this
mentality? We cannot be "pick and choose
Catholics" and welcome whom we feel disposed
to. Look: We have to go out of our way to
greet and welcome others-move over on our
bench, smile, greet and meet others and kinda'
become an icon of Jesus so that all will feel
welcome at the Lord's Supper
- Sacrament of
Conversion: We cannot just go to Mass and do
the same things we've always done-stay in our
faults, keep sinning, and be lukewarm about
bad behaviours. People like communist Prime
Minister Jaruleski of Poland in the late1980's
and Fidel Castro of Cuba in late 1990's
attended Masses of Pope John Paul II-we don't
know what effect the Mass had on them, but
they were there. Hopefully it did convert them
in some way-sooner or later, or subtly, to
goodness and godliness even though their
communist inclinations were hard and fast.
But, think: if they could attend Mass can't
you-more frequently?
- Feed Others: Jesus
bestows to us in the Eucharist His Very Sacred
Self, Real Food and True Drink. His Sacred
Words don't report a reality that has changed
but His words actually change the reality into
a new Divine Reality-holy Communion. So as He
feeds us we too should feed other-esp. those
who are despised, alienated, ostracized and
poor. Holy Communion should always lead us to
helping others in charity.
Read other reflections by Father John J. Lombardi