Humor Additions for Wednesday, December 11

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A 90-year old couple were crazy about golf ...

He would hit the ball a good distance, bit almost always with a wicked slice. She, on the other hand, hit the ball straight as an arrow, but only about 20 yards at a time.

One day on their course he sliced his drive in to the woods. His Caddy found the ball, right behind an old abandoned barn. The old duffer said, "Well, I'll just chip back to the fairway and go from there", to which his young caddy says, "NO!! I'll open the front and back doors of the barn, you can drive it through, you land on the green, you 2-putt and you save par."

The man looks askance at his caddy and says, "Lookit, sonny, Tiger Woods wouldn't make that shot. What makes you think I can?"

"What have you got to lose?", asks the caddy. So, the fellow agrees. The caddy opens up the barn doors and hands him the correct club. The old guy lines up his shot, and strikes the ball as solidly as possible. The ball goes in to the barn, rattles off a couple of walls, shoots out a side window back toward the fairway, hits his wife on the temple and kills her instantly.

Next day, after the funeral, the guy goes to the same course for a round of golf. He has the same caddy. On the same hole where he'd killed his wife he hits his tee shot to almost the identical spot. His caddy finds the ball and suggests that he drive it through the barn, land on the green, 2-putt and save par.

The old man looks at the caddy and says, "Now sonny, the last time you gave me that advice, things didn't work out so good. As I recall, I took a seven."

Submitted by Bus, Sidney, British Columbia

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World's Easiest Quiz  (Passing requires 4 correct answers!)
  1. How long did the Hundred Years War last?
  2. Which country makes Panama hats?
  3. From which animal do we get catgut?
  4. In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
  5. What is a camel's hair brush made of?
  6. The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?
  7. What was King George VI's first name?
  8. What color is a purple finch?
  9. Where are Chinese gooseberries from?

All done? Check your answers

Submitted by Bill, Narberth, Pa.

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A man goes to the doctor and complains that his wife can't hear him.

"How bad is it?" the doctor asks.

"I have no idea", says the husband.

"Well, please test her. Say something 20 feet away, and if she doesn't hear you, get closer and say the same thing until she does. That way we'll have an idea of her range of hearing loss."

So the man goes home and sees his wife in the kitchen chopping up vegetables for dinner.

From 20 feet: "What are we having for dinner?" No answer.

From 10 feet, same thing.

From 5 feet, same thing.

Finally he's standing right behind her. "What's for dinner?"

She turns around, looks at him and says "For the fourth time, beef stew!"

Submitted by Debbie, Walkersville, Md.

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Answers to World's Easiest Quiz
  1. How long did the Hundred Years War last? ___*116 years
  2. Which country makes Panama hats? ___*Ecuador
  3. From which animal do we get cat gut? ___*Sheep and Horses
  4. In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? ___November
  5. What is a camel's hair brush made of? ____*Squirrel fur
  6. The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?___*Dogs (Canines)
  7. What was King George VI's first name?___ *Albert
  8. What color is a purple finch? ____*Crimson
  9. Where are Chinese gooseberries from? ____*New Zealand

Dec 9th Humor Page