Town Manager's
August 2004
Prepared by:
David Haller
- Staff cleaned street light
globes on East & West Main Street
- Staff performed "coal
patch" repairs on Frailey Road
- Staff installed a "keep
right" sign at the entrance to ‘Northgate'
- Staff repaired a number of
street lights on Main Street and Silo Hill Parkway
- The rehab of the 500,000
gal. water storage tank has been completed.
- Staff and Commissioner
Elder are working to get electrical service to well
No. 6
- Staff has received interest
from three contractors related to the demolition of
the old water treatment plan.
- Staff has applied Copper
Sulfate to Rainbow Lake
- Water production &
consumption We produced and purchased an avg. of
334,468 gpd We consumed an avg. of 312,959 gpd **Up
7.5% from July
The difference is "backwash"
water ... (6.4%) **Due to the rehab of the 500,000 gal
storage tank – we purchased 2,849,180 gals. of water
from MSM this month 60.6% of this water came from
wells 27.5% of this water came from Mt. St. Mary's
11.9% of this water came from Rainbow Lake
- With the approval of the
Council we have hired Mr. John Plitt as a ‘Senior
Water & Sewer operator. He has been employed in a
Grade 6 / Step 1 position with a starting salary of
$13.28 per hr. or $27,622.00 per yr. Mr. Plitt
presently holds a sewer license and will be setting
for his water license within the next 6 - 8 months.
- We had no raw sewerage
spills this month
- We received almost 3 inches
of rain this month
- Wastewater Treatment - We
treated an avg. of 422,000 gpd (Consumed 312,959)
Which means that 26% of the wastewater treated this
month was "Wild Water"
- We exceeded the plants
design capacity two days this month, on 8-01 @
955,000 gallons and 8/12 @ 835,000 gallons
- Trash pickup days will be
Monday & Thursday for the month of September - with
the exception of (Monday) September 6
- Staff performed standard
mowing, trimming and weed control in all parks
Meetings Attended
- 8/10 - With future staff
related to the 2004-2005 Town of Emmitsburg After
School Program
- 8/13 - Fox & Associates
related to the Mt. View Road and Well No. 4 projects
- 8/17 - Bid opening related
to the Flat Run Sewer Main Rehab Project (Apparent
Low Bid = $834,932.10)
- 8/17 - With Staff of Town
of Emmitsburg 2004-2005 After School Program
- 8/18 - With Design
Engineers and local employer related to the possible
development and utility service for a site east of
US Rte. 15
- 8/18 - With the Staff of
Catholic Charities related to Up-County
- 8/24 - Key Sanitation
related to trash collection services
- 8/25 - State's Attorney
staff related to missing money
- 8/30 - Design engineers
related to Well No. 4 and Frederick County
List of prior
months Town Manager's reports |