Town Manager's
July 2004
Prepared by:
David Haller
- Staff cleaned east & west
main street
- Staff performed a number of
‘coal patch' street repairs
- Staff repaired and
installed a number of stop and street signs – some
which were damaged by vandals
- Staff installed a speed
bump on west Lincoln Ave. - near the town pool
- The rehab of the 500,000
gal. Water storage tank has begun
- Staff has flushed the main
raw water line from rainbow lake to the water
treatment plant
- Staff has cleaned the
roughing filters at the water plant
- With the main storage tank
off line for repairs, as of July 22, staff has
brought the Mt. St. Mary's Univ. Water system on
line at the rate of 100,000 gpd until said tank
rehab is complete
- Water production &
consumption: We produced and purchased
an avg. Of 310,984 gpd.
- We consumed an ave. Of
290,770 gpd *** down 5.3% from June. The
difference is "backwash" water ...(6.5%). We
purchased 951,600 gals from MSM this month -63.4%
of this water came from wells.
- We had no raw sewerage
spills this month
- We received almost 6 inches
of rain this month
- Wastewater treatment: We treated an avg. Of 390,000
gpd (Consumed 290,770) which means that 25% of the
wastewater treated this month was "wild water"
- We exceeded the plant's
design capacity one day this month - 7/27: 1,040,000
- Trash pickup days will be
Monday & Thursday for the month of august
- Staff removed weeds and
grass from around the town pool
- Staff cut-up and hauled
away the tree that fell in memorial park
- Staff performed standard
mowing, trimming and weed control in all parks
List of prior
months Town Manager's reports |