Town Manager's
October 2005
Prepared by David
- Staff removed Fallen Firefighters signs and banners
- Staff repaired a
number of street lights
- Staff cleaned East
& West Main Street
- Staff has
installed new stop signs on West Lincoln Avenue
- Staff has received
final approval from MDE for Well #4 and has placed
that well on line
- Staff has again
flushed the raw water line from Rainbow Lake to
the water treatment plant
- Staff found and
repaired a large water leak in South Seton Avenue
- Staff applied
Copper Sulfate to Rainbow Lake
- Water production and consumption. We
produced and purchased an average of 395,466 gpd.
We consumed an average of 367,685 gpd.
- The difference is "Backwash Water"
...(7.0%). We purchased 1,335,650 gals. of water from MSM this month.
- 40.6% of this water came from wells
- 11.3% of this water came from Mt. St. Mary's
- 48.1% of this water came from Rainbow Lake
We had two raw sewerage spills in the Month of
October, 10/7 & 8 and 10/25 & 26 (total
spill 9,000 gals.)
Staffhas completed
aerator maintenance on all Lagoons
The "overland
flow" treatment system is in use and is
working well
We received about
8.1 inches of precipitation this
Wastewater Treatment:
- We treat an average of
681,000 gpd (consumed 367,685 gpd) which means that
46% of the wastewater treated this month was
"wild water"
- We exceeded
the plant's design capacity on 6 days in the
month of October
- 10/07-2,291,000
gals., 10/8-2,078,000 gals., 10/9-862,000 gals
- 10/24-990,000
gals., 10/25-2,014,000 gals.,
10/26-965,000 gals.
pickup days will remain Monday & Thursday for the
month of November
Thursday, Nov. 24th NO PICK-UP
Staff did perform
standard mowing & trimming
Staff power washed
graffiti off of Memorial Park Restroom bldg.
Staff winterized
Memorial Park restrooms
Staff removed grass
& salted some ballfield in-fields
Meetings Attended:
- Governor's Housing
- With P&Z Dept.
to review procedures
- With contractor of
Emmitsburg Glass project to review and discuss
water connection specifications
- Review Southgate
development status with developer
- With MDE related
to Consent Order
- Board of Education
Workshop-Community leader input related to future
school directives
List of prior
months' Town Manager's reports |