












Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Town Manager's
Report December
Prepared by
David Haller
Staff repaired a number of street
and stop signs
Staff has repaired a
number of street lights
Staff has placed snow flags on the
fire hydrants around Town
Staff decorated the Community Center
and Main Street
Staff put up construction signs on
South Seton Avenue
As the lake water has cooled staff
has discontinued the injection of coagulant
treatment at Well #3 and the plant is operating well
The roughing filters are
being backwashed once everyday and the DE filters are
being done once every week
Both of our new water and sewer
department employees (Dave Bailey and Jeff Wiles)
appear to be developing very well and are now
participating in both daily and weekend operations
Water production and
consumption. We produced and purchased an
average of 299,674 gpd. We consumed an average
of 266,976 gpd.
The difference is
"Backwash Water" ...(10.90%). We purchased
432,400 gals. of water from MSM this month.
45.5% of this water
came from wells
4.7% of this
water came from Mt. St. Mary's
52.8% of this water
came from Rainbow Lake
Staff repaired bike rack at
Community Center
Staff supervised the completion of
the final punch list for the new bathrooms in
Community Park
Staff performed grading at the
Farmer's Market site and Silo Hill Park
12/06 Frederick County Economic
Development meeting
12/06 Lincoln Avenue water &
sewer rehab project meeting
12/06 Mountain Trails Task Force
12/07 Meeting with property owner
interested in possible annexation
12/12 Meeting with property owner
related to on-site parking requirements
12/13 EBPA Board of Directors
12/13 South Seton Avenue water &
sewer rehab progress meeting
12/14 Frederick County Commissioners
& Municipal Joint meeting
12/20 Elder court hearing
List of prior months' Town Manager's reports |