Town Manager's Report
January 2006
Prepared by David Haller
- Staff took down Christmas decorations
- Staff repaired a number of street lights
- Staff installed a number of street signs
- Staff is having difficulties operating the water treatment plant, those difficulties are related to the treatment of the lake water and the limited detention time the chemicals have to act
- The roughing filters are being backwashed everyday
- Staff has performed some repairs to the Well #3 access road
- Water production and consumption. We produced and purchased an average of 327,807 gpd. We consumed an average of 308,160 gpd.
- The difference is "Backwash Water" ...(6%). We purchased 623,000 gals. of water from MSM this month.
- 49.0% of this water came from wells
- 6.1% of this water came from Mt. St. Mary's
- 44.9% of this water came from Rainbow Lake
- We had two raw sewerage spills in the Month of January
- Jan. 2 & 3 - 23,500 gals., Jan 18 - 10,800 gals.
- We received about 4.9 inches of precipitation this month
- Wastewater Treatment:
- We treat an average of 680,000 gpd (consumed 308,160 gpd) which means that 55% of the wastewater treated this month was "wild water"
- We exceeded the plant's design capacity on 5 days in the month of January
- 01/02-1,041,000 gals., 01/03-1,282,000 gals.
- 01/18-2,092,000 gals., 01/19-840,000 gals., 01/23-897,000 gals.
- Trash pickup days will remain Monday & Thursday for the month of February
- Staff has been preparing equipment for the Spring
- Staff discovered graffiti (vandalism) all over the Community Park pavilion (floor, roof, grills & picnic tables)
Meetings Attended:
- 01/18 To discuss improvements to the Jubilee Foods site
- 01/26 To review and discuss the completion of the Southgate Development's site improvements
- 01/27 To review the number of taps required for the rehab of the Fire Company's Building
- 02/02 To discuss ball field maintenance with the Little League
- 02/07 & 02/08 To discuss Planner Consultant Services
List of prior months' Town Manager's reports |