Town Manager's
Report July 2006
Prepared by
David Haller
- Staff has removed the
flags from the street lights
- Staff has repaired a
number of street lights
- Staff repaired the speed
bumps on West North Avenue and Chesapeake Avenue
- Staff coal patched the
curb in front of 130 DePaul Street
- Staff is injecting
coagulant treatment into the raw water line from
Rainbow Lake at Well #3 in an effort to improve the
performance of the roughing filters.
- The roughing filters are
being backwashed everyday and the DE filters are also
being done everyday.
- Staff has added new
media to the roughing filters. This is due to
standard loss from the backwash process
- Water production and
consumption. We produced and purchased an
average of 351,118 gpd. We consumed an average
of 325,952 gpd.
- The difference is
"Backwash Water" ...(7.2%). We purchased
749,600 gals. of water from MSM this month.
- 72.2% of this water
came from wells
- 6.8% of this
water came from Mt. St. Mary's
- 21.0% of this water
came from Rainbow Lake
- An A/C unit has been installed in the sewer
pumping station as part of the Creamery Road
Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project. The purpose of
this unit is to keep the temperature in that
building within the recommended operating limits for
the newly installed variable frequency pump drives
- We received about 1.6
inches of precipitation this month (the average is
3.50 inches)
- We are 4.10" short on
precipitation over the last six months. The
average precipitation for the period from February 1
thru June 30 is 23.70" and we have received
- Wastewater Treatment:
- We treated an average
of 323,000 gpd (consumed 325,952 gpd) which means
that 0.0% of the wastewater treated this month was
"wild water"
- We did not exceeded the
plant's design capacity on any days in the Month of
- Trash pickup days will
remain Monday & Thursday for the month of August
- Staff has been
performing standard mowing & trimming
- Staff re-mulched the
playground equipment in Community Park
- Staff trimmed trees in
Memorial Park
- Staff has performed
some landscaping at the Town swimming pool
- 07-06 Fox &
Associates ... South Seton Ave. S/W Project
- 07/10 Frank Henry and
Chris Jakubiak ... Discuss consulting services
- 07/11 Frederick County
Board of Commissioners ... 3rd Deputy
- 07/12 Trails Task Force
... Related to Trails on Mountain Land
- 07/17 Mayor & Fox
& Associates ... General Bid Specs
- 07/26 With Property
Owner ... General questions related to possible
- 07/27 With Bond Counsel
... S. Seton Avenue Bond Signing
- 08/02 Related to Grand
funded generator for Town offices
- 08/03 With
List of prior months' Town Manager's reports |