












Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Town Manager's
Report October 2006
Prepared by
David Haller
Staff cleaned East & West Main Street
Staff has repaired a
number of street lights
Staff removed the speed bumps for
the winter
Staff repaired and replaced a number
of street and stop signs
Staff arranged for the street strip
painting of Silo Hill Road
As the :ale water has cooled staff
has discontinued the injection of coagulant
treatment at Well #3
The roughing filters are
being backwashed twice everyday and the DE filters are
being done once every other day
The large 500,000 gal water storage
tank was drained, inspected, cleaned and placed back
on line this month
Optimum Controls, Inc. checked and
repaired a number of the automatic control and
communication systems at the water treatment plant
this month
Delauter has completed the first
phase of the water and sewer replacement project on
South Seton Avenue
Water production and
consumption. We produced and purchased an
average of 362,765 gpd. We consumed an average
of 310,084 gpd.
The difference is
"Backwash Water" ...(14.5%). We purchased
988,600 gals. of water from MSM this month.
52.7% of this water
came from wells
8.8% of this
water came from Mt. St. Mary's
38.5% of this water
came from Rainbow Lake
Staff has been
performing standard mowing & trimming
Staff has winterized the bathrooms
in Memorial Park
The Prefabricated
bathroom for Community Park has been delivered and
final connection is almost finished
Staff mulched around the playground
equipment in Memorial Park
10/04 South Seton Ave water &
sewer project progress meeting
10/10 Catoctin Land Trust - Related
to Mountain Lands
10/10 Fox & Associates -
Community Park Trails System
10/11 Emmitsburg After-School
Program Staff
10/13 Land Owner - Discuss Possible
10/18 South Seton Ave Water &
Sewer Project Progress Meeting
10/26 Frederick County Planning
Dept. - Thurmont Region Comp Plan Update
10/27 State Staff Driving Safety
10/27 Land Owner - Discuss Possible
10/31 Emmitsburg Business &
Professional Association
List of prior months' Town Manager's reports |