











Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Town Manager's
Report March
Prepared by
David Haller
Staff repaired a number of street
and stop signs
Staff has repaired a number of
street lights
Staff plowed snow and salted a
number of streets
Staff worked with Miller Electric to
repair street lights in Pembrook
Staff installed some rumble strips
on Lincoln Avenue
Staff cold patched a few streets and
pot holes
The staff air lanced roughing
filters No. 2 & 3
The roughing filters are
being backwashed once everyday and the DE filters are
being done once every week
Staff repaired the six inch water
main just east of the water treatment plant
Water production and
consumption. We produced and purchased an
average of 298,291 gpd. We consumed an average
of 271,825 gpd.
The difference is
"Backwash Water" ...(8.8%). We purchased
350,000 gals. of water from MSM this month.
47.6% of this water
came from wells
3.8% of this
water came from Mt. St. Mary's
48.6% of this water
came from Rainbow Lake
Staff pumped out the pool for
cleaning and start-up
Staff made standard checks of all
parks ---trash cans, bathrooms, etc.
Staff repaired a number of busted
pipes at the pool
03/01 Director Frederick Co.
Building Maintenance
03/02 Frederick Co. Planning Staff
03/03 Resident land development
03/08 Chris Jakubiak Comprehensive
plan issues
03/08 FY-2008 Budget meeting
03/12 South Seton Avenue Project
progress meeting
03/12 With the Mayor and Chairman of
Planning Commission
03/14 Mountain trails meeting
03/16 Mt. St. Mary's University -
Comp Plan questions
03/20 Town Attorney - legal issues /
code enforcement
03/22 BOCC & Municipal meeting
03/30 MDE meeting
03/30 SHA meeting
List of prior months' Town Manager's reports |