











Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Town Manager's
Report May
Prepared by
David Haller
Staff installed the 'welcome
to Emmitsburg' signs
Staff has repaired a number of
street lights
Staff installed speed bumps on
Lincoln Avenue and North Avenue
Staff coordinated several street
paving projects
Staff repaired and cold patched a
few sidewalks on Main Street
Rainbow Lake is maintaining at the
spillway and all wells are holding up well
The roughing filters are now being backwashed
twice everyday and the DE filters are
being done once every week
Staff has recently flushed the raw
line from Rainbow Lake to the Water Treatment Plant
Water production and
consumption. We produced and purchased an
average of 336,537 gpd. We consumed an average
of 303,816 gpd.
The difference is
"Backwash Water" ...(9.7%). We purchased
240,800 gals. of water from MSM this month.
of this water
came from wells
0.2.4% of this
water came from Mt. St. Mary's
of this water
came from Rainbow Lake
Mason Dixon Farms has started
pumping and aerator maintenance has been performed
on Lagoon No. 3
We received about 1.4
inches of precipitation this month (the average is 4,5 inches)
We have a deficit of 3.7"
of precipitation over the last six
months. The
average precipitation for the period from December 1 thru
May 31 is 22.2" and we have received 18.5" for that period.
There was an error in last month's
precipitation computation which indicated that we
had exceeded the six month average by 3.5% when we
exceeded by only 0.8". It is also
important to know that this six month average does
not include Nov. 2006, a month in which we
exceeded the monthly average precipitation by
Wastewater Treatment:
We treated an average
of 286,000 gpd (consumed 303,816 gpd) which means
that 0.0% of the wastewater treated this month was
"wild water". This also indicat4es that
approximately 67% of the 26,424 gpd increase in
consumption this month went to outdoor use
We experienced no spills of
untreated sewerage during the month of May
We did not exceed the plant's
design capacity during the month of May
Staff worked on the ball fields in
Memorial Park
Staff coordinated and worked
with S&W Construction on the replacement of the
roofs on the Bathrooms and pavilion in Memorial Park
Staff coordinated the pouring of the
concrete for the new bandstand in Community Park
Staff did some painting at the
Community swimming pool
05/05 With Hess Enterprises related
to possible rezoning request at hotel site
05/07 With sewer plant design
engineers related to possible treatment methods
05/09 With staff to review water
capacity numbers
05/10 With Dan Reaver related to his
proposed commercial subdivision
05/15 With Planning consultant to
create water capacity section of Comp Plan update
05/16 Water & Sewer Master Plan
05/17 With Mayor and Representatives
of MSM to discuss growth limits delineation
05/24 Municipal/BOCC Water &
Sewer Master Plan update
05/24 MML POS funding meeting (Got
$70,000 of POS money
List of prior months' Town Manager's reports |