Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland





                                                        TOWN MEETING

                                                     September 6, 2011

                                                  Emmitsburg Town Office



Present:  Mayor James Hoover; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Patrick Joy, Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President

Staff present were Vickie Felix and Dave Haller, Town Manager


I.         Call to Order

Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the September 6, 2011 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the August 15, 2011 Town Meeting were approved as amended.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioner Blanchard commented that the pool party and puppet show were successful and encouraged residents to get out and use facilities.  He announced the upcoming concert in the park.  Commissioner Blanchard will be carrying the town flag at the Emmitsburg/Thurmont Community Show.  He also commented on the different businesses that are coming to the town and felt the town is doing pretty well comparatively to other towns.  Commissioner Joy also attended town concert and the August 15, 2011 MML meeting.  He encouraged fellow commissioners to attend Municipal BOCC meeting this Thursday.                                                  


Mayor’s Comments

At the last BOCC meeting, there was discussion on meeting transit needs in Northern Frederick County.  The Mayor is in the process now of trying to coordinate a meeting to discuss this issue.  The goal is to try and get one additional roundtrip to service the Northern County.  The BOCC and the Frederick County Transit Staff seem to be open to that suggestion.  Details need to be worked out.  Mayor Hoover reminded residents that the Farmers Market will only be open a few more weeks.  This was a very successful year for it. 


Administrative Business

Topics discussed:

·         Poll of municipalities at MML meeting regarding tax equity and if it should be changed.  Commissioner Joy felt Board should have discussion before stand is taken. 

·         Events being scheduled for Halloween will take place on Monday, October 31st.  Parade starts at 7pm, no official time set for trick or treating. 

·         Email on MDE press release regarding grant funding from the Bay Restoration Fund – release had to do with the appropriation of the money. 

·         Commissioner Joy attended Main Street training in August – he will not be pursuing this at this time. 

·         Counties Municipalities Meeting – Tax setoff discussion.  Mayor will speak on behalf of town.  No opposition leaving the current calculation as is. 

·         Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load update as it affects municipalities – are these guidelines included in town’s current design?  Mr. Haller stated they are considered in our permit.    

·         Consideration of creation of one water and sewer system.  Mayor Hoover stated there was no discussion; original comment was countywide.  Commissioner Staiger added that it raises some interesting questions.

·         Emails from concerned residents from Brookfield subdivision on spraying that took place on hard-to-maintain areas.  Public Comments: Zenas Sykes, 580 Timbermill Court, - petitioned the Council to cease enforcement of Code section 8.12.040 regarding weeds on lots along Timbermill Court and Wheatley Drive for the balance of the year.  Would like to meet with Council on what would be the appropriate course of action for these lots.  Mitchell Greger, 1340 Wheatley Drive - requested a text amendment to the existing ordinance to ban this particular type of spraying in a residential community, and with respect to the enforcement, some discretion should be applied.  

Consent Agenda - none



Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Blanchard reported on August 2011 cash activity.  

Detailed report at exhibit A  

Committee Reports – Commissioner O’Donnell reported that there was no meeting.  The next Planning Commissioner Meeting will be September 26, 2011.  



II.        Agenda Items


Swearing in of the election judges

Mayor Hoover administered the swearing in of two of the election judges, Ruth Carroll and Charlotte Mazaleski.  


Multi-user trail update

The second volunteer workday was on August 22, 2011.  It was a very productive day, 35 volunteers showed up.  The intent was to clear the entire corridor and begin working on the trail bed.  Unfortunately, they were not able to get the entire corridor cleared.  Trail is about 85% completed.  Moving forward Commissioner O’Donnell will be applying for more grants.  Sometimes there is a match required for the grants.  The town might be able to use volunteer hours.  So far, there are two hundred hours banked of volunteer labor that is pretty significant.  The next formal work day will most likely be on a Saturday in October.  The goal is to clear the corridor and complete the tread.  The next step after the clearing is signage and blazing i.e., painting.  Mayor Hoover commented not to use any yellow or blue paint. 


III.      Public Comments      

Zenas Sykes, 580 Timbermill Court – Commenting on the “state of the family”, he petitioned the Board to define or eliminate some language in Chapter 13.040.170, Water System section C and also questioned the size of the fine.  He also commented on Section 2.28.050, Elections.  He petitioned the Council to fully involve the citizens of Emmitsburg to figure out how to pay for the future sewage upgrade improvements.


IV.       Set Agenda Items for September 19, 2011 Town Meeting

1.    Planning report review of Comp Plan objectives

2.    Review of Section 8.12.040 removal of grass and weeds

3.    Discussion of changes to setback requirements in R1 and R2 zone

4.    Resolution on refinancing of property at 140 South Seton Ave

5.    Review of Draft Ethics Ordinance

6.    Review of sign ordinance regarding village zone requirements




VI.       Adjournment

With no further business, the September 6, 2011 Town Meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.