Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland







                                                   TOWN MEETING

                                                 October 17, 2011

                                              Emmitsburg Town Office




Present:   Mayor Donald N. Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Patrick Joy, Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President

Staff present were Vickie Felix; Donna DesPres, Town Clerk; and Sue Cipperly, Town Planner.


I.       Call to Order

Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the October 17, 2011 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the October 3, 2011 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioner(s) Blanchard, Joy, O’Donnell cited attendances.  Commissioner Sweeney reported on the upcoming Halloween festivities.  Commissioner O’Donnell announced that the trails corridor is open; that there is still tread preparation to do on the mountain biking piece; and there is still a need for volunteers.  Commissioner Joy reported that the first police “committee” meeting was on September 17 and 5 members were there along with Deputy Cline.  They would like to move forward with “community watch”.  The flagpole is scheduled to be going up by the Doughboy next week and there will be a ceremony on November 12, 2011.


Mayor’s Comments

Thanked Deputy Cline for orchestrating the police meeting.  Mayor Briggs listed a number of groups that have used the conference room for meetings since it has been made available.  The Heritage center has opened their museum.  Fire Fighters memorial service was held this past Sunday and Mayor Briggs represented the Town of Emmitsburg.  A rugby match in the town park between the Naval Academy and Mount Saint Mary’s was well attended.  Working on getting lacrosse matches in November.  Reported on the Upcounty building redevelopment – possible donation of $3,000 coming in to establish a business incubator.  He would like to see the committees that he proposed at the last meeting be established.  He got some quotes for speed bumps in Timbermill, looking to Board for advice, these will be permanent. 


Public Comments

Sheila Pittinger, Total Look, 5 East Main Street – Expressed her concerns on items that need to be revamped around the square. 


Administrative Business

·         Make a concerted effort to address town square issues

·         Business owners in Silo Hill appreciate deputy coverage at closing time

·         Update website to have Commissioner O’Donnell as the liaison for the citizens       advisory committee

·         Trails – Commissioner O’Donnell will contact leadership at Vigilant Hose and the   Ambulance Company to take them on a tour of the trails so they have a sense of what is out there. 

·         Timbermill Drive asphalt stress fracture  – public works department is addressing it

·         Community calendar access has been corrected

·         Effort to associate our area with Gettysburg’s celebration of the 150th battle anniversary

·         Mayor met with auditors; report will be coming to the Board in about a month

·         Council needs to press the issue to elected officials to reopen the Visitors Center

·         Input for the County comp plan/zoning review needed by November 16

·         Commissioner Staiger addressed the apparent formation of the police “committee”    and stated his concern that this and other citizen groups need to be done in an organized process through the Citizens Advisory Committee

Consent Agenda

Mayor Briggs recommended appointments for committees:  Ethics Commission: Larry Little; Board of Appeals: Ron Lind, Richard Kapriva as alternates; Citizen’s Advisory Committee: Amy Myles, Conrad Weaver, and Joe Ritz.  No objections.  Recommendations approved. 



Town Manager’s Report - includes public works monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis.   Detailed report at Exhibit A.

Commissioner Staiger expressed his concerns on the amount of wild water being treated, expressing the need to take a hard look where it’s coming from and get a handle on it.  Commissioner Joy made a suggestion to include a list of the top ten contracts included in the manager’s report. 

Motion: to add a section to the town manager’s report listing contracts over $500 signed during that reporting period.   

Motion made by Commissioner Joy, seconded by Commissioner Blanchard

                            Vote: 5-0 in favor


Police Report - Deputy Gary Cline gave the September 2011 report.  Detailed report at Exhibit B.  Received a citizen’s request via email to improve the lighting at the Community Park pavilion.  The Board directed town staff to modify channel 99 in regard to the deputy contact-- that it is for non-emergency.  A “no loitering” ordinance was suggested.    



II.       Agenda Items


Review comprehensive plan objectives

Ms. Cipperly directed the council to look at the report included in the packet.  She went over the tasks that have been completed and those that are ongoing.  With a slide demonstration she reported that staff has been participating in the watershed plan for the Chesapeake Bay.  Eventually an analysis will need to be done of storm water treatment within the town and mapping the system.  There was discussion about a pedestrian audit and the need to take a more comprehensive look and a housing survey; need a list to prioritize.  Council will review report and identify items to move forward on. 


Ordinances 11-18, 11-20, and 11-21 related to residential zone setback requirements

Sue Cipperly stated the planning commission met on September 26, 2011 at the request of the Board to expedite these ordinances.  The planning commission had no issues with any of the ordinances.  They were passed unanimously and advertised properly.

Motion: - To accept Ordinances 11-18, 11-20 and 11-21 related to residential zone setback requirements as presented. 

Motion by Commissioner Sweeney, and second by Commissioner O’Donnell

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Review proposed architectural guidelines

Sue Cipperly along with Keith Suerdieck, Architect gave a power point presentation of the architectural guidelines focusing on architecture and preservation.  Mr. Suerdieck gave examples of different classic styles in Emmitsburg during different time periods.  These guidelines will help people get an idea of what they can do to rehab these buildings.  Ms. Cipperly presented that the next steps would be to decide how to protect the historic character that is detailed in the guidelines.  Staff recommends having the Maryland Historic Trust and/or the County speaker detail the options at the November 21, 2011 meeting – if available, and having the Board members review the guidelines document during the month in between these meetings. 


Discussion concerning smoking ban in town parks

Commissioner Blanchard would like to put up signage that would encourage people not to smoke in Community Park playground, the community pool, the Memorial Park playground area and the little league fields.  He is not looking for an ordinance just signage.  He suggests using one that would say “thank you for not smoking” and also put up receptacles to prevent littering of the cigarettes.  Public Comment: Larry Little, 324 DePaul Street – expressed his concerns of putting up signs.  Sr. Eleanor Casey, 333 S Seton Avenue - spoke in support of the signs.  Commissioner Staiger stated the reality is that the town will not be able to enforce the signs, only rely on the smokers’ willingness not to smoke.  Commissioner O’Donnell also expressed a concern on the tone of the sign.  No opposition from the board to put up the signs.  They were in agreement that the signs should say “thank you for not smoking” in the particular area.  Commissioner Blanchard will get a quote on some signs and a list of areas where they are to be posted and the item will be brought back as administrative business. 


Consideration of Ordinance 11-22, Ethics

This agenda item is back to the Board for consideration.  It has been edited by the town attorney.  Commissioner Staiger stated that, having read through it, it appears to address the issues that were concerns of the Board and Attorney Clapp at the past two previous meetings.   

Motion: - Approve Ordinance 11-22, Ethics

         Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Blanchard

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Consideration of resolution in support of tax equity

Mayor Briggs reported that this was brought up at the last meeting and feels it is appropriate to adopt this resolution and get a letter off to the County.  Commissioner Staiger commented that it gives the town more security to maintain the tax equity over the tax differential.  He then read the resolution. 

Motion: - To accept resolution 2011-04R, a resolution by the Town of Emmitsburg in support of tax equity

         Motion by Commissioner O’Donnell, second by Commissioner Joy

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor



III.    Set Agenda Items for November 7, 2011 Town Meeting

1.   Town response to county comprehensive plan/zoning review

2.   Proposal for town-administered Facebook page

3.           Update discussion of wastewater treatment plant financing and operating cost

4.   Update on splash park installation at town pool


Public Comments:  Sr. Eleanor Casey, 333 S.  Seton Avenue – expressed her issues of residents’ concern of alleged crime in Emmitsburg.  It seemed to her that this falls in the jurisdiction of the citizens advisory committee.






V         Adjournment

With no further business, the October 17, 2011 Town Meeting was adjourned at 10:36 p.m.