Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland



September 16, 2013

Emmitsburg Town Office


Present:  Mayor Donald Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Christopher Staiger, James Hoover and Tim O’Donnell, President. 

Staff present were Vickie Felix and Sue Cipperly, Town Planner. 

Absent:  Commissioner Patrick Joy with prior notice

ICall to Order

Commissioner Tim O’Donnell, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the September 16, 2013 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the September 3, 2013 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners cited announcements to include the Drug Awareness Meeting that will be held at the Walkersville Fire hall on September 30 held by Delegate Kelly Shultz.  The Emmitsburg Multi User Trail will be included in a guidebook this upcoming year.  The trail is available Sundays only at the present time.  Commissioner O’Donnell stated that there is an abundance of young people riding bikes without helmets.  Commissioner Hoover reported that this will be his last meeting.  He wished the candidates that signed up for office good luck and stated that he enjoyed the opportunity to again serve the town.                                       

Mayor’s Comments

He announced that the Thanksgiving Day Run proceeds will go to the Seton Center this year; Team Emmitsburg has been out cleaning up the streets.   


Administrative Business

·         Election Judge – Charlotte Mazaleski agreed to serve; still need an alternate judge

·         Running waterline for ball field #2 – Commissioner Staiger thanked Dave and staff for getting closer to getting this done which will be a big help this spring. 

·         Email from Delegate Shultz to schedule a time to attend and speak in the future



Town Manager’s Report - Mr. Haller was absent; the report was in the packet for Board to review which reported the public works department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis.  In Mr. Haller’s absence, Ms. Cipperly highlighted several items to include that staff cut and sprayed curb weeds in a number of the newer developments; repaired and replaced a number of street signs, some were due to vandalism; all the LED street lights have been installed and the wells continue to be down compared to May 2011 levels.  Town Planner’s report - Ms. Cipperly reported that she continued on the Square project; applied for an additional $200,000 community legacy grant, attended the EPA meeting and briefed them on current projects.  She mentioned that the town does have a potential commercial project on East Main Street which will have to undergo some subdivision and site plan approvals; this will take some time yet and she is not at liberty to state the name at the present.  Detailed report at Exhibit A.

Police Report - Deputy Patterson reported on the August 2013 police report.  Detailed report at Exhibit B.


II.       Agenda Items


Square project timeline

Sue Cipperly gave a PowerPoint presentation for the Emmitsburg Square revitalization.  She did a brief recap to include the design process; consensus design elements; community presentation; additional public meetings; state highway administration meetings and then presented the future timeline for anticipated completion target dates.  Mayor Briggs interjected that, for the record, there will be a time when the town will have to invest as well.  Public Comments: Harold Craig, 103 West Main Street – in favor of the plan.  Bob Hance, 200 South Seton Avenue - in support of the plan and made a verbal commitment representing the EBPA to support and do what they can do to make it happen.  Robert Rosensteel, 110 Depaul Street – emphasized that after growing up here for 70 years, he has not seen much change; this is exciting that the people and businesses have come together to participate and make this work.  Dora Connolly, 20 East Main Street – very supportive of the Square project.  Jay Myles, 506 West Main Street, - the positive is that the community is behind this; the challenge is looking at the hard numbers--he asked, as a resident, to look at the positive and find ways to make this happen. 


Standard Solar presentation and proposed contract

Mr. Ugast of U.S. Photovoltaics was present for the Board to ask specific questions.  Attorney Matthew Pirnot was present to walk the board through the contract which was not yet finalized; there are still a couple of open points and Standard Solar was also present.  After a very lengthy discussion the Board was reserved to give conditional approval of the contract and it was recommended to table this agenda item until the points in the contract are resolved. 

Motion:   to table agenda item #2, the Standard Solar presentation and proposed contract, to a future meeting; date to be determined. 

Motion made by Commissioner Hoover, second by Commissioner Sweeney. 

                                              Vote: 4-0 in favor


At this time there was a motion to take a five minute recess.

Motion made by Commissioner Sweeney, second by Commissioner Hoover.

                                              Vote: 4-0 in favor


Meeting reconvened at 10:06 p.m.


Sign ordinance amendment

Due to the late hour of the evening this agenda item was tabled until the next town meeting.                                                                                                                                    

         Motion:  To table agenda item #3, Sign ordinance amendment. 

Motion made by Commissioner Hoover, second by Commissioner Sweeney.    

                                              Vote: 4-0 in favor


Set Agenda Items for October 7, 2013 Town Meeting

1.    Board reorganization

2.    Standard Solar contract presentation

3.    Sign ordinance amendment


III.      Public Comments  Pastor John Talcott, 303 West Lincoln Avenue, representing Christ Community Church - commented on a Day to Serve which will take place September 21 from 8am to noon.  The project will be called Main Street Clean Up.  They will meet in the morning at Christ Community Church.




V.       Adjournment


With no further business, the September 16, 2013 Town Meeting was adjourned at 10:14 p.m.