to Fairfield
- From Washington take I-270
north to US 15 towards Emmitsburg. At the intersection
of MD 140 & Rt. 15, go west onto MD 140 through
Emmitsburg. When you cross the Pennsylvania line,
Rt. 140 changes to Rt. 16.
Approximately 1.5 miles you will come to the interest ion
of Rt. 16 and Rt. 116. Go North on Rt.
116. Fairfield is approximately 3.6 miles up
Rt. 116.
- From Baltimore, take I-695
exit 20 to I-795 to MD 140. Follow MD 140 towards
Emmitsburg. Go through Emmitsburg. When you cross
the Pennsylvania line, Rt. 140 changes to Rt.
16. Approximately 1.5 miles you will
come to the interest ion of Rt. 16 and Rt.
116. Go North on Rt. 116. Fairfield is
approximately 3.6 miles up Rt. 116.
- From Harrisburg, take US
15 South toward Gettysburg. At intersection
of Rt. 15 & Rt. 30, go west on Rt. 30.
Go 2.4 miles an look for intersection of Rt. 30
and Rt. 116. Take Rt. 116 south 7.2 miles to
State map, for those
who don't know were
Maryland Or Pennsylvania are ...
