believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God,
and the final authority for Christian faith and living.
God, the Creator of all things, exists eternally in three
persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is God’s
eternal son; truly divine and truly human. He came to earth,
lived a sinless life and was crucified as the only sacrifice
for our sins. He arose bodily from the dead and returned to
Men and women are created equally in God’s image and are
partners in God’s creation; they were tempted by Satan and
rebelled against God.
Through repentance and personal faith in Jesus Christ our sins
are forgiven, we are reborn by the Holy Spirit and we are
children of God.
The church is the living body of Christ on earth of which He
is the head. Jesus Christ will return to earth to raise the
dead, judge the world, and establish His glorious kingdom.
United Methodists we affirm the historic
Christian faith found in creeds and
confessions: The Apostles' Creed, the Nicene
Creed, the Articles of Religion (John
Wesley's revision of the Anglican
Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion from the
sixteenth century), and the Confession of
Faith of the Evangelical United Brethren
We also are guided
by The Standard Sermons of John Wesley, our
founder, his Explanatory Notes Upon the New
Testament, and the General Rules of the
Methodist Church (1808).
We teach the
necessity of God's grace as we come to
saving faith in Christ: prevenient grace
(grace before conversion), justifying grace
(grace at conversion), sanctifying grace
(God's assistance as we grow in holiness
from conversion unto death), and perfection
in grace (God's assistance as we progress in
holy living).
As United
Methodists we affirm the Wesleyan
Quadrilateral: the way of judging truth by
Scripture, Tradition, Reason, and
If you are interested in learning more about
the United Methodist Church, please go to http://www.umc.org/abouttheumc/