Home |
Introduction |
Articles |
Reflections |
Weekly Log |
Many thanks to Mike Hillman who has instructed me on webpage
building, and also to Audrey Hillman who has cooked me dinner and
welcomed me into their home for the hours spent during this
internship. |
in a day's work
The Official Internship Website of
Michele L. Clerici |
Introduction |
This website is an overview of
the internship that I participated in over the course of the
past semester. I spent many hours assisting with the
creation and maintenance of an interactive website of
Chambers' 1864 Book of Days. I also spent a significant
amount of time marketing this effort over the internet.
I have web-published three articles during this period, and
have learned a great deal about the importance of internet
knowledge-sharing and marketing. The following is an
introduction to the various aspects of this self-created
website that exhibits the work I have accomplished.
Articles |
Body Image Barriers," - addresses issues of dieting and
body image facing teenage girls today
"To Draft
Or Not to Draft: Facing US Military Issues" - offers
opposing viewpoints of the controversy over
re-institution of the military draft
Lessons From A College Student" - engages in a humorous
and creative examination of the college experience
Reflections |
I composed
one midterm and one final reflection throughout the course
of the semester, as a means of reflecting on the things I
needed to accomplish, the things I did accomplish,
difficulties along the way, and the ways that I have
benefited from the experience as a whole.
Log |
I kept a
weekly log of the activities I engaged in over the last
four months. In this log, I have outlined specific
tasks and their executions.
Resume |
I learned
that one of the best sources of networking in the job
market is to get your resume out there. All of my
work connected with emmitsburg.net and The Book of Days
includes links to my resume. If a prospective
employer happens to come across an article they like or
the work I have done, they can view my resume and contact