In an effort to avert war, Bush travels to Baghdad to negotiate with Saddam.
As George sits down he notices that Saddam's chair has three red buttons on one arm. After a few minutes of talking Saddam
pushes one of the buttons and a boxing glove pops out of a compartment in the desk and punches George on the nose, Saddam laughs loudly and George
continues trying to negotiate.
After another couple of minutes Saddam pushes a second button and a boot swings out and kicks George on the shin, he
grimaces and Saddam laughs even louder.
Finally Saddam pushes the third button and a boot kicks George in the balls, Saddam laughs hysterically and George has had
'Ok that's it, I’m going home. We will continue these talks in two weeks time in Washington.'
Two weeks later Saddam arrives to talk to George, he notices three red buttons on George's chair arm and expects to be
repaid for his treatment of the US President.
After a few minutes George pushes a button and Saddam leaps out of his chair but nothing happens and George giggles.
After a minute or two George pushes the second button and once again Saddam throws himself out of the chair but again
nothing happens and Bush giggles even louder.
Finally, George pushes the third button and once again Saddam expects to be hit by something and leaps from the chair but
nothing happens.
Saddam is fuming as Bush rolls around the floor giggling like a maniac.
'I've had enough of this, I'm going back to Baghdad.'
Bush wipes the tears from his eyes and says through his giggles. 'What Baghdad?'
Submitted by Michael