Invasion of the Pumpkin People
An annual event in Taneytown, we are looking forward to participating next year, after placing second in 2007. Please click the link below for pictures from last year.

Community-Wide Carol Sing
For the last several years, Taneytown Presbyterian Church has hosted a Community-Wide Carol Sing in mid-December. We have been joined in this seasonal
celebration by the First Presbyterian Church of Westminster Choir, under the direction of Tom Walker.
A wonderful way to prepare for Christmas and to remind us of the real ‘reason for the season,’ we extend a warm welcome to the community to enjoy our
beautifully decorated church and experience an evening of singing or just listening to well-known/seasonal hymns.
The evening's offering is donated to the Taneytown Caring and Sharing Ministries, an ecumenical faith-based group that serves many important needs in
the Taneytown area. |