The Taneytown Presbyterian Church was regularly organized by
the Presbytery of Baltimore in February of 1828, with ten charter members. Currently, the church has 28 members on its roll and while church membership has never been large, it has always sought to be faithful; both in worship as a congregation and in mission, to the community.

We are not a formal congregation in the everyday sense of the word, meaning that although we are members of the Presbyterian Church (USA) –
our focus is less on strict doctrine than it is on discerning God’s Word for us in our particular context. We gather as individuals from different places – both geographically and spiritually – to hear God’s Word as it is read and preached, to offer praise and thanksgiving for all
of God’s gracious blessings and to respond with faithful service to others.
We come together in fellowship, celebrating that which unites all – the love of God in Jesus Christ – welcoming all, regardless of who they
are, where they come from, or where they might be on their own spiritual journey. This is reflected in our purpose statement, that we are about “sharing God’s love and furthering God’s kingdom.”

Times change and since we hold to the motto of the Presbyterian Church (USA) – that the church is “reformed, always reforming” – we understand
that as the world around us changes, the church must change as well. In a broken world, where the chasm between humankind and God appears to be ever-widening – we are called to engage those who have yet to encounter the risen Christ, those who may not have found a church home where
they feel welcome.
We are currently active in Caring and Sharing – a local ministry that serves the Taneytown area, providing non-denominational fellowship and
shared community ministries including worship, religious education, and community service.
At the same time, we are also looking to discover new ways of being the church – the body of Christ. From new and different ways to engage the
heart, mind and spirit in worship and educational programs, to new ways of serving the community in mission-based activities – we are excited about the new possibilities that lie ahead.
As the Word of God – revealed in both Scripture and in Jesus Christ – is alive and active in the world, we seek to not only grasp its meaning,
but to live it out in our daily lives and in the community outside the doors of our church. As we seek to develop spiritually and grow our congregation, we are looking ahead to new and different ways in which to do both, knowing that as we are faithful, God will be faithful.
We invite all those who seek to know and serve Christ, to walk with one another on our spiritual journeys, wherever you might be on that road;
providing a safe haven from the world – a place to bring one’s joy, as well as one’s sorrows. 